Late Late Show 21.11.08 Prizewinner did not want Toy Show part of prize.

Does someone form the Late late Show production team not call the winner IN ADVANCE of the live call, they always seem to get the correct person rather than husband, wife child etc and hand over the phone....? I imagine they would get the measure of the person in advance, imagine they were inebriated for example talking live to Pat - it could go any way :eek:!
Does someone form the Late late Show production team not call the winner IN ADVANCE of the live call, they always seem to get the correct person rather than husband, wife child etc and hand over the phone....? I imagine they would get the measure of the person in advance, imagine they were inebriated for example talking live to Pat - it could go any way :eek:!

When Gerry Ryan presented the show he got the husband of the person he wanted ( amaazing i've only watch it twice in about 5 years and saw that;))
Pat Kenny auctioned those tickets this morning on his radio show. Somebody from Donegal paid €1,500.00 for them. The money is going to one of the Childrens' Hospitals.
When Gerry Ryan presented the show he got the husband of the person he wanted ( amaazing i've only watch it twice in about 5 years and saw that;))

That is amazing actually as I watch it regularly (cough) enough and have yet to see a.n. other person pick up the phone other than the winner - drat !:p
... Does anyone know what it was actually supposed to be.
Yeah I think it was meant to be
... Four eejits with no sense of timing in cheap and nasty Ann Summers outfits dancing around someone wrapped up in a roll of gold foil...
... cringeworthy...
I can't think of anything less appropriate for a family entertainment tv show, but with Kenny on, anything is possible.
The Peoples Republic of Cork have written a stout defence of the woman in question.
The article was written tongue firmly in cheek but I think the defence is good.

Late Late Show Slur on Cork Woman
Danny Elbow

RTE presenter Pat Kenny has officially lost the run of himself. Berating a Cork caller live on air for appearing not to be grateful for the competition prize she had just won was irresponsible and unfitting for a presenter in command of a show that claims to draw the biggest television audience on the island.
For those of you who didn't see the Late Late or the youtube clip now circulating online, Kenny called a competition winner live on air without naming her - simply informing us that it was an 021 number. He informed the woman that she had won ten thousand euro in shopping vouchers, a weekend in Dublin and two tickets to the Late Late Toy Show.
The woman, clearly nervous and possibly frozen still by the fact that everything she said was being beamed into homes around the country, did not give Kenny the ego-massaging whooping and shouting that he so clearly desired.
"If they tortured her they couldn't get anymore out of this woman", Pat snorted with guest Charlie Bird sniggering in unison.
Having insulted her on national television Kenny then asked her who she would be bringing to the Late Late Toy Show. She quietly replied that she wouldn't be interested in attending but that he could raffle them instead.
Clearly shocked at such a public and unedited dissing of his show, The Plank, then lost the rag. Taking the "precious" tickets from his inside jacket pocket he ceremoniously tore them to shreds and tossed them childishly on the table.
The sulking soliloquy which followed claimed unfathomable ungratefulness. To be clear to those who have not seen the footage at no point did the woman use threatening or abusive language, she didn't say anything negative about the show, about Pat himself, about his large pay packet or why most guests on the show seem to be RTE staff.
She simply told Pat that she wouldn't be interested in attending his Late Late Toy Show. She was cordial, polite and said thanks several times but this was drowned out by Pat's incredulous and all too hasty offence.
One spin is that the winner was ungrateful. Another equally valid one is that she couldn't attend the Toy Show for personal reasons that she didn't want to reveal - her undeniable right. You could easily argue that the woman took offence to Kenny's remark about "torturing her" and decided not stick it to him where it hurt. Dowtcha girl.
Pat and those who rushed to pour judgement on this unsuspecting Cork woman made an unsubstantiated inference that she should have been jumping up and down at having received this prize.
Was there any consideration that the woman might have been having a bad day, perhaps be suffering from an illness, or maybe be worried about a sick relative? Or simply that she was not in a position to scream with joy down the phone? Just because she spoke with a calm and collected tone doesn't automatically imply that the woman wasn't delighted to have bagged the cash.
There are tens of thousands of possibilities to why the woman was tight lipped and didn't want to attend the (often bland) toy show. It's outrageous that Pat naturally chose the worst possibility. Who would blame a Corkonian for not being enthusiastic about visiting Dublin?
Does Pat arrogantly assume that anyone he rings should be media savvy and lavish him with articulate compliments befitting of RTE's in-house PR department? If he decides to call somebody on air who has not been vetted by a producer then he runs "the risk" of an ordinary joe soap simply telling it like it is.
Instead Kenny chose to sneer and mock the Cork woman of whose affairs he knows nothing. The only things he knew about her were her name, address and phone number
To add to the inconsiderate and blinkered attitude at the Dublin station, the presenter began his Monday morning radio slot with a preposterous five minute rant about Friday night's winner's ingratitude farcically portraying himself as the victim. Astoundingly he claimed the tickets to the Toy Show were off more value than All-Ireland final and Munster Vs All Black tickets!!

Clearly the Cork lady had upset his weekend with her perceived non-cooperation and tight lipped response to his late night Montrose "charm". Despite tearing them up on screen Kenny revealed, as if to claim the moral high ground, that the tickets now would be raffled for charity (this was the winner's suggestion anyway).
While we're on the subject it's important that the prize money of €10,000 is put into perspective. While in Kenny's mind, this woman should have stripped off and run around her street naked screaming "I love Pat" for the sum involved, the amount of money must be put in context.
Remember that not so long ago Gerry Ryan claimed that he should be paid as much as Pat Kenny, who now earns a mind boggling €900,000 per year. So while this woman is berated for her apparent ingratitude, in the few days since the Late Late Show Pat Kenny has earned more than the prize he gave away - €17,000 to be precise.
When was the last time you heard Pat Kenny and RTE's other enriched presenters sincerely thanking TV license fee payers for the enormous contribution to their vast wealth? The irony of their claims of public ungratefulness rings loud around the Peoples Republic.
Yes, great post. Well done to the Cork woman and the journalist in question. I would not want tickets to be bored stiff by patronising Pat Kenny in his pullover either. Reduce Pat Kennys pay by at least 750,000 and give it to charity or back to the licence payer.
Although it is tongue in cheek, the article incorrectly states that he didn't name her. Of course he checked her name! Watch the clip!
Although it is tongue in cheek, the article incorrectly states that he didn't name her. Of course he checked her name! Watch the clip!

I read it as he didn't name her before the phone was answered, therefore highlighting the fact that she could be in shock as the first she knows about winning is when she answered the phone.
or gone and taken all the free stuff:D

Just a thought, the toy show should be on every week. If spent the last 2 hrs smiling watching it:)

Getting the "one for everyone in the audience" would probably have swayed me too!

I saw the last hour - I smiled a lot too (those twins!)

Ron - a friday night off?:confused:
Getting the "one for everyone in the audience" would probably have swayed me too!

I saw the last hour - I smiled a lot too (those twins!)

Ron - a friday night off?:confused:

2. last week and this week. BUT working last night and tomorrow night so still busy:)
ah, grand so - just was concerned the sky was falling down on top of us chicken-licken(?) style.

to keep positive .....we can't have bottom falling out of all professions:eek:
ah, grand so - just was concerned the sky was falling down on top of us chicken-licken(?) style.

to keep positive .....we can't have bottom falling out of all professions:eek:

ah people will always celebrate big days in their lives, so always a job for the likes of me, well thats how i'm staying positive:D

But the 1st time i've seen it in 15 years ( on a Friday and not Sunday replay ) and really enjoyed it.
I'd blame the show organizer, what should be said " You have won tickets to the toy show where we will present you with your 10k shopping spree".
See would she come then.
I'd blame the show organizer, what should be said " You have won tickets to the toy show where we will present you with your 10k shopping spree".
See would she come then.

Obviously she had no interest in seeing Pat Kennys toy show, she offered them to be given or raffled to someone else in the audience. Not everyone would like to do a ten hour round trip to endure Pat Kennys toy show for 2 hours.