Key Post: Emigrating to New Zealand

Six months.

Still if property is cheap to rent, it might be a nice place to visit for 6 months. I am in my early 50's and not actually looking for a job. I reckon it would be possible to rent my home in Ireland and then rent a similar home in New Zealand for less money or even consider a house swap. Can any of us know for certain that it would be easy to just pack our belongings and move to a new country and immediately settle in? Just looking at the plethora of TV programmes Get a new Life, A place in the Sun, No going Back etc. Most of the characters seem to have terrible difficulty settling in. One way would be to try somewhere for 6 months.
Re: Six months.

IsleOfMan - renting out your Irish property and heading out to NZ for a period is perfectly feasible - that's what we did. If you don't have a mortgage to pay (or only a small one) you can easily find yourself with enough money to rent somewhere in NZ, and pay for a good deal of your day to day expenditure with the rental income.

If you have a significant mortgage, then presumably your rental income would mostly go on this.

Bay of Islands.

Thanks Zag. I effectively have a nil mortgage, just keeping it there in case I need a top up loan, saves on having to go through 100% remortaging. Another thought that I had, two couples could purchase a house in NZ and each alternate 6 months there. There is an interesting article in this months on NZ and the archives have a few more. I see from a recent business report that global house prices continue to rise. Hong Kong is no1.
South Africa no 2. and New Zealand no 3.
rent a house?

Why rent a house in NZ? buy a camper van and you can get to see the place far better (if a bit more squashed!)