keep kids off lawn

Jane Doe

Registered User
what can i put in lawn to stop kids stepping over the tint fence while waiting for real fence. they broke plant. Chicken wire laid flat?
If you ask them not to when you're there, they're unlikely to do it when you're not; unless you've given them a reason to spite you or something.
had a similar problem but it wasn't just the kids. even when i was at the door (on the way out) people (incl. postman, door seller etc.) just used my lawn instead of the lane (which is right beside it) to get to their car, main road etc. it drove me nuts and now and then I said something but only got confused faces back. you do wonder sometimes....

anyway my dad planted bushes but they're still quite small. the one on the edge of the lawn was - within a short time - stepped down by those ignorants. i had to put a rabbit fence around it and it's slowly recovering now. i also put down small fences around the lawn but guess what people even bothered to make a large step over the fence to cross rather than to cop on. i've given up to be honest and am just waiting for the bushes to grow big and sturdy :eek:
Just go out and say it to them. We had the same prob recently with our tulips, the kids were pulling them up but we just went out and asked them not to and explained why and it stopped. Was hilarious actually, on one or two occasions one of the kids ran up to use to tell on one of his buddies who had pulled one of the flowers!
A strategically placed sign should do it.

Human beings will always take the path of least resistance, and if it appears it will shave even a microsecond off their route they will take your lawn over a path any day. The trick is to make the actual path the path of least resistance. The way to do that it by making the lawn option harder (as with fences or planting or puddles or barking small dogs) and if possible making the path option easier (cutting away any overgrowing plants, leaving room to the side of your parked car, etc).
Ah Kids, such trouble aren't they, why not speak to them and treat them as adults?

Maybe we just shouldn't have them in the first place!
well, we could always lock them in a cupboard or cellar!

remember, most kids do respond to a kind word rather than a rebuke
If it was me I would get a replacement plant and ask them if they would like to help planting it, but then again 'I like kids'