Junk Mail - how to close off letterbox?


Registered User
I live on the ground floor of an apartment complex. I have my own front door which opens onto the street and therefore has its own letter box. There are also letterboxes inside the apartment block main entrance, which are what the postman uses as he has access to the block. However, people delivering junk mail can't access the block and therefore put tonnes of crap through my door almost every day. I have seen some apartments that have a brass plate covering the space where their letterbox was and I would love to get one. If anyone knows where I could get one, I would be very grateful.
Hi Strewth,

Don't know about the brass plate, but a couple of years ago, I printed up an A4 sheet with NO JUNK MAIL PLEASE and stuck it inside the window - you wouldn't believe the difference it made- it was brilliant - so good, I had to print one out for all my in-laws! You will still get the odd junk mail, but the difference was huge!
Hope that helps!
Wire letter box to mains - the only post these days is bad news - tell friends to email only :D

P.S. - Disconnect at Christmas
Iif you didn't want to go down the printed paper route, you could opt for a brass plate saying the same :
[broken link removed]

Alternativly, there is an invention for closing off letterboxes to stop arson as well as unwanted mail :
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Also :
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Alternativly, there is an invention for closing off letterboxes to stop arson as well as unwanted mail :
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From that site:
This will prevent Arson Attacks, Fireworks being pushed through the letterflap, theft from letterflaps, intimidation and threats from letterflaps.

Brilliant, never knew there were nasty intimidating and threatening letterflaps out there!
Maybe the intimidation is people shouting in your letterboxes! I know my OH gets kinda angry when I lock him out sometimes...

if it's the standard hinged at the top letter box can you not just put a screw into the door right behind the flap and leave it out high enough to stop teh flap opening?
Iif you didn't want to go down the printed paper route, you could opt for a brass plate saying the same :
[broken link removed]
can this be got any where except ebay

Alternativly, there is an invention for closing off letterboxes to stop arson as well as unwanted mail :
[broken link removed]
good idea but what is to stop the junk mail going into the external box? or am i missing something
We have a letter box on the wall and I printed and in red captial letters a no junk mail or charity bags in a size 16 font on half an A4 sheet, then laminated it. Mounted it on a piece of timber and then on to the wall above my letter box.
Its working very well so far.
We have a letter box on the wall and I printed and in red captial letters a no junk mail or charity bags in a size 16 font on half an A4 sheet, then laminated it. Mounted it on a piece of timber and then on to the wall above my letter box.
Its working very well so far.
even with clothes collectors? |You see i think they cannot read english some of them anyway
even with clothes collectors? |You see i think they cannot read english some of them anyway

That's what I thought too, but I left a few clothes collection bag's pile up on top of the letter box and they seem to have got the message.
Suppose you could type the word NO in a few languages courtesy of google and free translation sites.