Junior Cert English Essay


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One of the essay titles in today paper was "Travelling on a School Bus"

This is unbelievable, why could this paper not have been changed in light of recent events ? Typical, just typical.
I read somewhere that it was logistically impossible to replace the question. I dont see the problem. You need to get on with your life. Im sure the recent events will be taken into account by the markers of the papers.
redbhoy said:
I read somewhere that it was logistically impossible to replace the question. I dont see the problem. You need to get on with your life. Im sure the recent events will be taken into account by the markers of the papers.

i don't think it would have taken that much to offer a different question for the schools in question...
.. I remember when I was sitting my exams .my good friend died of leukemia ...hay ...
it was a day just like today beautiful sky warm ...

the shock of her death during my exam gave me an insight that there is more to life that just the leaving cert .... understanding that life is so fragile and to enjoy it why you can gave me an inner strength so much that this was the best exams that I ever did ..

sometimes we need to confront our fears and not run from them ......

Seems a bit unfortunate alright but given the confidentiality that surrounds state examination papers perhaps it would have been logistically difficult to replace the question at the last minute? Even if it was possible to substitute a new/alternative question the fact is that the original question would presumably still appear on the printed paper so some people might (legitimately or otherwise) take offence?
They should have printed off an errata page with an alternative title so the offending title could be avoided without repercussion.
I'm sure they'll make substatial concessions anyway.
Whatever about junior cert students directly affected by the Meath crash are people seriously saying that other students were going to suffer from some sort of vicarious trauma as a result of being presented with this essay title!? :rolleyes:
Terrible events often bring out the best in people. This title could end up the inspiration for a gifted student to create a tribute to those unfortunate children and their families. A masterpiece, that could stand to inspire students for generations and ensure that those lost will never be forgotten.

ClubMan said:
Whatever about junior cert students directly affected by the Meath crash are people seriously saying that other students were going to suffer from some sort of vicarious trauma as a result of being presented with this essay title!? :rolleyes:

I don't think so.
Erith said:
They should have printed off an errata page with an alternative title so the offending title could be avoided without repercussion.
I'm sure they'll make substatial concessions anyway.

I wouldn't have thought that the title would be deemed 'offending'.

BTW, students had a choice. They didn't necessarily have to pick this topic.

It was slightly unfortunate, but as usual the media are sensationalising so that it actually will cause more upset than was originally the case.
i don't think it's a big deal. there is a risk of anyone getting upset by any question in an exam. if they are easily upset I would stay clear of doing tax exams especially Capital Acquisitions Tax where five out of six questions have fathers, mothers, daughters, sons dying of a whole range of accidents and injuries sustained from everything from car accidents to falling down wells. i'm not joking.

the other question is on gifts.....how nice.
:) Or lets extrapolate- steer clear of doing law exams on anything to do with wills or probate- or indeed personal injury- and, oh my god, can you imagine those poor medical students?

Ah no, only joking- I do think anyone immediately affected in someway by the accident may have had at least a double take on seing the question, but as for the rest of the country or those unrelated, I can't see that its such a big deal. People are becoming over sensitive on these issues in my opinion.
"It has emerged that the State Examinations Commission changed a question that was contained in today's Ordinary Level Leaving Certificate Irish Paper.

The question in the composition section asked students to write on the subject 'Timpiste Bothair' (road accident)" RTE news

for God's sake.........

i'm just thinking about the Maths exam. Better be nothing about trains or buses reaching destinations in a certain amount of time travelling at X miles per hour. There's too many answers for it.

I thought Timpiste Bothair comes up nearly every second year. It sounds familiar and I'm sure I did it in my Leaving.
The Indo made a big deal of this story yesterday including such OTT headlines as "wave of revulsion" and suchlike. In that sense it was kind of unfortunate that on one of their inside pages devoted to coverage of the Leaving, they titled a series of photographs of kids leaving exam centres as "After the Post Mortem".

Bizarre, eh?
You'd never guess that it's the silly season, eh?

Will the National Parents Council call for a boycott of the examinations now?

Really!? I was being totally facetious. I didn't seriously think that they'd pop their head above the parapet again so soon!
At least the maths exam didn't have a "If a bus left point A and travelled along road B at speed C when would it crash at point D" type of question.