Japan’s stock market finally surpasses previous high


Registered User
Back in 1989, Japan had the largest stock market in the world by maket cap - bigger than even the US.

Then it crashed.

34 years later, it finally surpassed it’s previous high.

It’s a stark illustration of how long stock investments can stay underwater.

The 1989 Japanese stock market crash indeed serves as a powerful reminder of the long-term nature of stock investments. It took 34 years for the market to surpass its previous high, highlighting the patience and resilience required in the world of investing.
To me it mainly serves as a reminder to stay diversified and not to try and predict which countries are going to do well in the future based on past performance! (In saying that, I'm 70% US since that's the market weight in the MSCI World tracker I invest in...:oops:)
If you look at the GDP per country in 1989 Japans GDP was about 60% of the US GDP and almost the same as the entire eurozone, also remember that the eurozone was a much bigger proportion of global GDP than today since CHina and Soviet Union were effectively outside global trade. Japan came from an emerging market economy in the 1950s to the fastes growing economy in the world through the 1970s and 80s driven by technology and industrial output. In some respects Japanese economy resembles the US tech boom of today and also the Chinese industrial boom of the last 20 years which looks like it has already peaked and is falling because of geopolitical tensions now and de globalisation
Back in 1989, Japan had the largest stock market in the world by maket cap - bigger than even the US.

Then it crashed.

34 years later, it finally surpassed it’s previous high.

It’s a stark illustration of how long stock investments can stay underwater.

But in that time since 1989 can it be said that the japaneese stock market has performed well?

Ok, its not surpassed its 1989 high but has it performed storngly or not? If it has, then isnt it somewhat irrelevent that it has not surpassed prior high?