Jack most popular name

I wanted to name my son after a great sporting hero of mine but the wife didn't think Red Rum was suitable!
We called our little girl Erin which I think is a timeless classic and its not very common.
I have to say, I find a lot of Irish names very boring (my own name included).

I actually find Irish first names very harsh/rough especially if there is a fada in there somewhere. And foreigners murder the pronounciations.
The Irish names are lovely, but odd that people who do not have any other interest in Irish culture use them so frequently.
One of our lads is Padraic, apart from even close relations calling him Padraig I still like it. It may get shortened to Paudie but I dont mind that either.
The Irish names are lovely, but odd that people who do not have any other interest in Irish culture use them so frequently.

The only Irish names I like seem to have become incredibly popular in the last few years so now I'm sick of them eg Aoife, Conor, Saoirse, Finn
One of our lads is Padraic, apart from even close relations calling him Padraig

Ah come on now, that's always going to happen! If you're going to pick a name that sounds almost the same as another name that is way more common you need to accept that a substantial proportion of people are just going to get stuck on the name their brain thinks it "should" be.

I know a lady called Finola who gets really snotty when people address her as Fionnuala - big deal like! I've got 2 older brothers and I will regularly answer to being addressed by either of their names and normally wouldn't even bother correcting the person, unless I think they actually believe I'm him... (although I do draw the line at being called by my sister's name!!)