Is there a new smoking area in Dublin airport?

Thanks for the info on the smoking area lads.... as for the article attacking smokers.... am I wrong in assuming this forum is about answering Q's and receiving helpful advice to same Q's rather than being vilified for asking or replying to those questions?

BTW I'm an ex-smoker who has also had a parent & sister succumb to Cancer but I have absolutely no problem with other people smoking..
Whether you are a smoker or not, I think this is a very civilised idea. Air travel is very stressful at the best of times, and think of when there are delays. It must be awful for smokers.

They do not want to pollute everyone else. It is just something they do. Leave them alone for God's sake and let them freeze on the garden terrace. Obviously DA had some stressed out smokers, or they have bloody common sense! Non smokers can stay inside in the heat and enjoy that, I'm sure the smokers would not like to be within a million miles of the holy Joes anyway.
BTW if this Garden Terrace serves food, drink, tea and coffee and the like, I bet it will be a HUGE money spinner for DA. Wait and see.
Had a couple of fags in this new bar last Sunday, beside somebody who hadn't bothered to have a wash. Guess who's offensive odour lasted the longest? Thankkfully, this person wasn't sitting beside me for my 2 hour flight.