Is it possible to get a €500 note in Ireland?

Yes, they have them in stock from time to time. I don't think that they order them as such, but they will keep a few aside for you if you ask them. The larger the branch, the more likely they are to have them.

I'm pretty sure I got one of these once when I had to get cash to pay a tradesman :rolleyes:

People are very reluctant to accept these notes, in case they are forged.
Saw a woman pay for her groceries with one last week in Tesco. The cashier called over a manager to check it out. Everyone in the queue was very impressed. :)
Off topic and just out of curiosity - how much did her shopping bill come to!?
I stunned the checkout person in Dunnes one day by producing a few €200 notes. She commented that she had never seen one before and she took it and placed it in the till, no checking done at all!
A local sandwich shop had a notice up some years ago which said "€50 notes not accepted". I pointed out to the very nice assistant that this was illegal as these notes were legal tender. She said that the manager was a bit odd so I came back the next day and bought a €4 sandwich with a €500 note. There was a major crisis and the manager could not see the joke although the assistants knew that I was messing.

I was fortunate enough to have 1 in my possession from Monday to Wednesday last week!
I had to withdraw a large sum of money from the bank to pay a supplier and paid the supplier on Wednesday. So yes, they do exist in Ireland!
Brendan said:
A local sandwich shop had a notice up some years ago which said "€50 notes not accepted". I pointed out to the very nice assistant that this was illegal as these notes were legal tender. She said that the manager was a bit odd so I came back the next day and bought a €4 sandwich with a €500 note. There was a major crisis and the manager could not see the joke although the assistants knew that I was messing.

€4 for a sambo! What a rip-off!!! :D
never seen a €200 or a €500 note and only saw a €100 once or twice .
[broken link removed]

Here is a link to the image of them

Maybe the CBI do not print their own version of them, as each countries AFAIK can be identified by a different code sequence

[email protected]
I think the position with regard to legal tender is that it must be accepted in the payment of a debt only.

Brendan, I think that if you picked up the sandwich yourself and offered it to the counter assistant that they could refuse to accept the money for it because there is no acceptance of the offer to buy and consequently no debt incurred. But, I'm open to correction on this.

It they scanned it in on their register and hit total and said "That will be €4 please", would a debt not be incurred?
legend99 said:
yea, 500 euro notes are defo available. Just hard to hang onto thats the problem!
I would have thought that the main benefit of carrying around a large-denomination note like this was in those 'down pub' scenarios where it's your round, you pull it out, and — dammit! — the bar can't take it because they don't have the change...

Then again, it's probably been a long, long time since a pub in Ireland didn't have change of €500 in the till. :(
Hi bond

I don't think so because retailers don't have to accept goods that are incorrectly priced at a lower value.

Now, if one had half the sandwich eaten ...

Slightly OT:
What's the best way to get your hands on one of these large denomination notes?
I want it to put in a card for a wedding: figure it'll be nicer than just a cheque.
I sent an email to my bank: no response.
Went in there and they said they wouldn't be able to 'reserve' one, that I'd have to take my chances on any given day...
Anyone have any ideas of likely locations where I could get a €200 note?
500 euro wedding present! Send me your name and address and I'll have your invite to my wedding in the post old friend.