Is it just me?


Registered User
Is it just me or has the standard of questioning (questioner) reached an all-time low? Today at least three questions were submitted in various fora which could have been answered perfectly by typing a few short words into any search engine, AI-powered or not. I did the search on one question and got the perfect answer. I posted the answer with my usual level of pithy commentary.

Other questions were repeated today which had already been answered in the same forum in the last few days. Why don't people read? Or can they? Do they think their problems and therefore their solutions are unique or do the time-waster think they need spoon-feeding? Based on some questions I've seen they have not progressed beyond breast-feeding and the 1-times tables

Am I alone in feeling frustrated (angry) at the laziness I see in here and around me in the world at large? Answers please on €100 notes addressed to my counsellor - no Mrs, not my councillor, s/he already gets enough back-handers As my baby Rottweiller might say, "GRRRRRRRRR".
I've probably done it myself on a phone. Can be a pain to do a decent search and get through the information. Easier to ask a question.

Even in my own replies to posts, the quality is going to be higher typed out on a desktop than a phone.

Take 50 IQ points off if using a phone :)