Is eir the worst company in Ireland for customer service?


Registered User
Anyone have suggestions?

Letters unacknowledged
No contact form on website
Webchat disabled
Facebook messaging unresponsive
On hold for a full hour on phone

Short of driving to City West and holding up a placard (and I'm tempted), has anyone got any ideas?
Twitter... they seem responsive on that..

Are you having issues with their service or looking for service? What I find with Eir is that is can be "hit or miss" (these days, it's mostly miss though :( )
Anyone have suggestions?
Phone them on 1901.
I spoke with them on 2 occasions recently.
Both times I was on hold for about 30 minutes, I had the phone on speaker and just went about whatever I was doing until an agent became available.
In a business sector (communications!!) renowned for poor customer and after sales service eir are the worst. I've clocked up a total of 7 hours on hold to their stupid messages about what they claim you can achieve on their website. The pits.
I would second what mathepac stated above, in years of dealing with support for any type of support, Eir were clearly the worst experience I had. If they offered me free broadband and mobile phone for life, I would not take them up on it.

About 18 months ago I bought a mobile in an eir shop and signed up for a 24 month contract, no mention of this putting me into a bundle as I had broadband with them at the time. Unknown to me, getting the mobile triggered a new contract for the broadband at double the rate. I spent 50+ hours trying to resolve this & got nowhere, in the end I paid a lump sum to just cancel on principle so I could move on. On cancelling the broadband it triggered a new contract for the mobile, felt like I was in an infinite loop.

I change electricity every 12 months, etc and keep up with those things so would see myself as reasonably good at managing things. I really think more vulnerable people would be trapped with them given how hard it is to contact them and how unclear it is that one action triggers new contracts.

All I learnt from it is never use Eir again.
I waited 30 min and got a human that could not answer my question, contacting them on their website was impossible it kept rejecting all the new passwords I put in, the have now ignored 2 letters. I think the next move is Ofcom.
Maybe if I stop paying they will contact me
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Maybe if everyone stopped paying their bills it would get their attention. I'm out of contract since May and their prices went up, I want out but can't leave!!!!
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Tried via email, web chat, writing etc to cancel my account - was told several times the only way to cancel was via phone and after several long (45 mins+) sessions on hold, still no answer and no closer to getting my contract ended. Lodged a compliant via comreg and the EIR comreg contact section and it got sorted in about 10 days or so. Like another poster, if they gave me free broadband I wouldn't take it!!
Anyone have suggestions?

Letters unacknowledged
No contact form on website
Webchat disabled
Facebook messaging unresponsive
On hold for a full hour on phone

Short of driving to City West and holding up a placard (and I'm tempted), has anyone got any ideas?
Same issue. I want to switch to a cheaper rate
I had a similar experience trying to cancel a mobile internet contract. Web chat, phone chat, physical eir shop visit, reps all tried, but I simply entered a Kafkaesque dystopian circle of hell with no cancellation forthcoming.

One email to Carolan Lennon and it was sorted quite promptly.
Twitter... they seem responsive on that..

Agree. The Customer care team on twitter is pretty responsive and will try to solve your problem. If you don't have an account, set one up. It will certainly take you less time than you are currently spending trying to contact them.
Was trying to cancel my broadband account for several weeks. I couldn’t get through to speak to an agent. Complaints were not even acknowledged. I had enough and cancelled my bank direct debit. This was just last week. Crazy thing was when I was considering upgrading two months ago with them, the sales agent couldn’t upgrade me as their system didn’t recognise my customer account number. The fact that Eir invoice me monthly with my customer account number didn’t seem to help the agent who said I am not the same as normal Eir customers as I was in the batch of Meteor customers which Eir took over! After that I went with VM.
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They’re so bad.

They have me Dad driven demented trying to deal with them. And me as well because I’ve to listen to him. At one point I had to say “Dad, I don’t deal with these awful companies because I don’t have the bandwidth to deal with the why am I having to deal with yours?!”
In 2018 it took strenuous efforts for four months to help an elderly neighbour of mine to escape from Eir's clutches. We got there in the end, including having her landline number, which she had since the 1970s, transferred to Sky. Eir had disconnected her landline as requested, but failed to transfer her number to Sky, and she was a vulnerable older person living in a rural area. We only succeeded I think because we sent registered post letters to Eir's registered address and then just kept ringing them, while keeping a Comreg complaint about the situation active. I would think it amounted to two to three days work by me in total and it all had to be done with the calls happening on a poor mobile signal at her house, so they could talk to her to confirm her identity each time. Even though she had written to them authorising me to deal on her behalf. Not an experience I wish to repeat - extremely inconvenient.
Agree. The Customer care team on twitter is pretty responsive and will try to solve your problem. If you don't have an account, set one up. It will certainly take you less time than you are currently spending trying to contact them.
Nope. Have not found that.
* Eir
* Ticketmaster
* Ryanair

All three are a disgrace, when it comes to how they deal with their customers and yet, they continue to get away with it.

There's only one way to force these companies to change their ways - stop doing business with them!