Irelandes Eurovision Entry 2008 - Dustin the Turkey

We now have another reason to vote no on the Lisbon Treaty. Get our payback in first before the EU does (if the Yes camp are correct on the reaction to a No vote).
Is it OK to say "crap"?
Cause if it is then I agree that the whole thing was indeed crap (or poo if crap is not OK).
Maybe its just the continental europeans are a bit of a drier/more earnest crowd and dont get the joke .... .

If it was your first introduction to Dustin I don't think you would find anything in that performance that would endear you towards voting for him.

The puppet isn't that funny looking, the song's lyrics were indecipherable (sp?) and the music was a basic DIY dance track.
Is it OK to say "crap"?
Cause if it is then I agree that the whole thing was indeed crap (or poo if crap is not OK).

Yeah, you can say crap. This thread would be incomplete without it!

You just have to type "scrap" then delete the "s".
I agree with you Vanilla.

I thought it was a great idea sending a Turkey to Europe. I usuually really like Dustin but I thought the song was rubbish and it is a real opportunity missed.

BTW did anyone hear Dustin on Morning Ireland. He sounded really pi**ed off and was very serious - not at all funny. No jokes. No "go on ye good thing". Aine Lalor who was interviewing him asked a few questions which would usually bring funny responses from Dustin but she got none. She asked him should we send Podge and Rodge next year and his response was a half hearted "maybe they could do the interval act."

Also he didn't maintain his "Dustin" voice throughout and kept moaning "I thought we had a real chance, I thought we'd go through"

If you didn't hear it its towards the end of the show if you're looking for it on the podcast
BTW did anyone hear Dustin on Morning Ireland. He sounded really pi**ed off and was very serious - not at all funny. No jokes. No "go on ye good thing". Aine Lalor who was interviewing him asked a few questions which would usually bring funny responses from Dustin but she got none. She asked him should we send Podge and Rodge next year and his response was a half hearted "maybe they could do the interval act."

Also he didn't maintain his "Dustin" voice throughout and kept moaning "I thought we had a real chance, I thought we'd go through"

Don't tell me the muppet, I mean puppet, believed his own hype? Poor fella. What's worse is we now have to listen to Dana saying "I told ye so"
Yeah heard Dustin on the radio- suddenly his sense of humour has gone AWOL.

Still think it could have been really good. If a little bit of research went into putting in a few lines for each of the major voting blocks that they would identify with/think was funny/in their language and it was a better puppet ( the Dustin puppet is a bit pathetic) think it could have gone down well. After all we've tried the tradish irish bit, and the solo singer so why not try a novelty act?
Don't tell me the muppet, I mean puppet, believed his own hype? Poor fella. What's worse is we now have to listen to Dana saying "I told ye so"

She already did ... she was on Morning Ireland too. Seperate interview. I can't remember Dustin's comments when he was asked about what she'd said but it wasn't the sarcastically funny remarks he comes up with - was more snide and bitter.
The problem was the song... what a crap song. You could probably pay a couple of teenagers a few hundred to make something better during their Summer Holidays.

Ah well.
Has no one else seen the Eurovision entry for what it was? It was never designed to win and anyone who thinks it was is wearing their 1980's blinkers. It was designed to be a complete p*** take on the whole eurovision and IMO it worked well. The contest has spiralled out of control with all sorts of idiotic songs. The voting system will never change to stop the Eastern Bloc countries winning every year. I personally think that Sweden have the best song but they wont win for the simple reason that there are too many Baltic states in it and none of them will be voting for Sweden.
In all fairness, did anyone see the Polish entry. I mean come on!!!!

Ireland and the rest of western Europe should just stay at home instead of wasting license payers money sending acts to a contest which can never be won. (Unless of course Ireland is split and we have 32 entries, at least one of them will win)

The contest should be renamed 'The NEW EUROPE song contest'
You wouldnt think that if you had been listening to the Turkey this morning on the radio.

Besides if it was meant to be ironic it fell well short of the mark.
The best laugh was the Polish lady with the white blond hair and the Oompa Loompa fake tan - she couldnt have looked worse if you'd basted her for cooking !! (and the pity was she wasnt the worst looking).
The problem was the song... what a crap song. You could probably pay a couple of teenagers a few hundred to make something better during their Summer Holidays.

Ah well.

Yep, bring back Donna and Joe.
I don't see why people are saying it was embarrassing - our turkey might not have got through but ten other turkeys certainly did.
Radio news just referred to the Taoiseach's use of fowl language in the Dáil yesterday. Maybe we need to change the "F" word to the "D" word. ?