Investing/Deposit Rates Using a Company/Holding Company, Options?


Registered User
Hi Guys,

Supposing I have a couple of companies, and I want to move the profits from both into a holding company. The plan would be to build up funds in this holding company (possibly including the sale of the 2 companies) over a number of years and eventually liquidate/close the holding company taking out funds at CGT rates.

What I'm trying to work out is what the investing options are for the funds that are in the holding company during these years, can it invest in the same way an individual can?

On a very basic level it seems as though the deposit interest rates available to individuals seem to be a lot better than those to businesses?

What other options are there to grow funds in a company over time?

Any advice would be much appreciated!

PS I'm aware that non trading income seems to be taxed at 40%, so any interest etc would be subject to this.
