Ideas for a special 50th birthday?


Registered User
Looking for a present for a special FEMALE birthday.

Any suggestions very welcome.


Well, mine's coming up soonish..........tried to think what I'd like but you'd need more iinformation about your person's likes/dislikes or your budget to make any suggestions: voucher? Meals out? Holiday/weekend away? Jewellary? a car? Photo session? Complete set of Coronation St/Lost/Sopranos DVDs??
No cards with '50' on them ... :)
When my MIL had her 50th she got lots of jewellery, crystal etc. but she also got some lovely nightwear which went down a treat.
Thanks folks - weekend away sounds most likely from the above. Any good ideas?.....

Remember checking out Orient Express for wife some time back but it looked seriously expensive for just 1 or 2 nights.........

Any other suggestions very welcome....

I know what I'd like- either a night/weekend away with a good restaurant meal and wine, or a serious piece of jewellry ( or depending on the budget, preferably both!). Weekend/ night away anywhere in Ireland with a nice hotel ( doesnt have to be OTT) in walking distance of a very good restaurant or indeed Paris, Florence, Nice etc. Wouldn't care to be presented with a piece of jewellry that was chosen with love and care but which you just don't like- that's just me though, I prefer to be the one choosing but it does kill the romance a little I suppose.