Ideal Homes Show


Registered User
I went to the Ideal Homes show in the RDS on Saturday. It was my first ever visit. I thought it was a complete waste of time. Has it always been like that or has it got worse over the years?
I can't comment on recent years but certainly my experience from around 15 years ago was that it was a complete waste of time so it sounds like nothing has changed.
I've been there a few times (on the free tickets). It's a load of rubbish so it suits me to meet my city friends there without having to go into the city centre.
One wonders how much business exhibitors actually get from the show.

Promotion for exhibitors says:

"The PTSB Ideal Home show attracts an average attendance of 26,000+ home interest, high net worth customers who are actively seeking products, services, and inspiration on all things home. There is no better way to make contact with such a large number of serious, high calibre customers than at a highly successful, large-scale exhibition where tens of thousands of customers gather in search of quality products and service, ideas, inspiration and suppliers."
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When we went last year we were looking at insulation/energy upgrades etc and to be honest, it seemed to be filled with hucksters. Left our name at some of the biggest single stop shops or whatever they are called and on all of them we had to chase then a few weeks after for a follow up. So they may be great at getting sales leads, but they were not resourced to follow up on it.

For the Dunnes Stores of this world, it's just part of a generic marketing blitz. Some of the rest of the stall holders were the same kind you'd see at a horse fair selling tools and cleaning products.
Been there a few times over the years, on free tickets (does anyone actually pay?)

Its basically just a load of sales pitches under the same roof. It hasn't gotten any worse - its the same as ever.
Its finally dawned on us that it'll never improve. We're not going anymore.

Some of the sales patter was just like Delboy & Rodney :cool:
Similar experience, my take away was to avoid any of the exhibitors as they seemed to represent the pushiest and most expensive options.
Perhaps the reason it is so bad is because not many people are seems.... and only the Del and Rodney types are interested in been there 'entertain ' you guys ☺️
Perhaps the reason it is so bad is because not many people are seems.... and only the Del and Rodney types are interested in been there 'entertain ' you guys ☺️
So it's a case of don't build it and they won't come.