I asked for it to be taken in one lump, now they are taking it monthly

Brendan Burgess

I set it up so that I would pay in one lump-sum on 21 July rather than the monthly direct debit.

I got a notice today telling me that it will be taken monthly.

I rang them and they told me that a lot of people found the system confusing and chose the wrong options. They are getting a lot of calls on the issue.

They changed it for me over the phone to one payment annually.

another thing...

The notice gave my correct bank account details but quoted the wrong PPS number. I thought that maybe someone was trying to get me to pay their LPT. In particular, when I saw the monthly direct debit, I assumed that it was for someone else.

But it turns out that, although it is clearly down as my PPS number on the notice, it is, in fact, something called by "customer number" which I had not come across before.
I think the same thing happened to me.

I got the notice saying it would be taken out monthly, but I think I had asked for it to be taken out in one lump sum.

I must check it out tonight, so see what I had chosen.
+1 I asked for it to be paid in lump sum but notice it's now monthly direct debit. But now it's direct debit I'm going to leave it as not costing any more - why give them the use of my money for the year when I dont have to!
I also gave an instruction for one single payment. Assumed it was coming out on 21st July as they advised at the time. But it came out on the 1st!!
Same thing happened with me, and also to a friend of mine, who only got her notice today as she has been away. We're not stupid, but I am wondering what we did wrong. I tried to log on as soon as I got the letter, but kept getting the message telling me either my property number or password were wrong. So I rang - the guy was dead nice and told me to log on and make the change myself.....when I explained that I just got the error, he tried with the details from the letter but he couldn't log in either. He transferred me to Ennis, where a really nice woman changed the payment for me from monthly to single payment......she reckoned my log in details were OK! I think I'll let the dust settle before I try to sort out the log in problem. Really annoying, especially as the letters came so close to the date of the first payment.
This seems to have happened to me too, I was sure I'd selected to pay in one lump sum, however 1/6 the amount was DD'd today.
Me too
If that is what .....OP/CG Direct Deb.....is on my online statement. I definately did not select monthly repayments. What is the phone number to call them? I very much doubt that all of us have made a mistake!!!!
My friend who had the same problem logged in to LPTI and made the change herself - clicked on 'change payment method'. I couldn't do this as there is still some cock up with my logging in. I rang 01 702 3039 (there is also 1890 338 448), and was put through to Limerick. My friend rang but all lines were busy, so she was invited to leave a message and they would call her back - they didn't.

It should not be so easy for us all to make a mistake like this - bad web design. Also, it is not rocket science to get your web server to send out an automatic email to the user, confirming what they have just done via the web site.
I requested deduction of full amount on the 21 July 2013 and it was taken in full on 22 July for my NPPR and my PPR by way of one deduction for the two properties.

I also requested that my account be deducted for my Mothers property as she would be unable to complete the online form. This was deducted in full by way of a separate transaction today too.
Me too!

We requested it be taken in one lump and realise now it's 6 instalments.
Having just arrived back from holidays and facing a large Visa bill its probably no harm. But I will say I am very used to processing financial transactions on line and was surprised to have made such a mistake!
Why is everyone assuming that this is our mistake?

I find it hard to understand what happened.

When they told me I had set up an instalment system, I assumed that it was an error on my part. But there are too many others who made the same mistake.

Now there are people who set up a once off payment, and it has been carried out properly.

I suspect that the process was ambiguous in some way and we misunderstood it.

Or possibly, there was a mistake on the system which they subsequently corrected.


I usually favour cock up over conspiracy but.. is your arrangement a recurring annual Direct Debit or simply a once off payment? All the utilities love these monthy DD's since they roll over into subsequent years without any explicit intervention by the consumer.

I set up a single debit authority for 2 properties - to be paid on 21st July. Neither payment was taken. I contacted the LPT helpline to be told that there has been a mess-up and some single debit authorities have not been implemented and probably won't be now..I was advised to pay by alternative method. Has this happened anyone else?
I thought was payment by one lump sum only.

How do I set it up (for future payments) for payment by instalments?