HSE thanks GOD that Corporation tax receipts defy slump predictions with record €6.3bn haul in November


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The CT receipts are apparently so unpredictable that Revenue told Finance that the numbers would be down and lo and behold a record €6.3bn.

With the Health Budget bursting through with 20% overrun based on estimates less than a year old and we have a situation that this is absolutely out of control and we are not getting value for money in relation to the spending.

If CT receipts do turn down we will have our Health spending in the same position as the NHS in UK.

Yet the politicians are far more interested in continuing the nonsense with RTE when this runaway train is the most challenging ting they ought to be looking at from the taxpayers point of view.

An article that appeared yesterday has the HSE CEO telling us how hard public service change is. So even he things change is needed. Would these be things like rosters and work practices where reports indicate that it isn't a lack of spending but these old chesnuts which are never ever dealt with.

I despair.
The HSE is just like most State bodies structurally in that it is grossly wasteful. It's just bigger than the rest.
If I was a HSE employee or any of the Front Line Heroes that we are hear about and from all the time I'd be ashamed and embarrassed that those employed in the Public Health Service were, as a cohort, so bad at their job. I find it remarkable and self aggrandisement and self delusion are so pervasive that so many within the HSE are genuinely blind to their culpability for patients dying on trolleys etc.