HSE advert - feed mammy before she goes shopping

I heard that HSE ad and to be honest I didn't understand the message of it. I think they could have phrased it different. I don't think eating or not eating before they go to the supermarket is going to make any difference to people who buy junk and who don't understand their children should be eating different . . surely it's an educational thing.
When I was in hospital (portlaoise) after having a baby I loved the food, it was great. I always got a choice of what I wanted and there was lots of variety and even dessert! maybe cos you are extra hungry after having a baby any food might seem appetising but it tasted damn good to me.

I havent heard the ad but I know if I go shopping on an empty stomach I am often tempted to get take away on the way home so I avoid going shopping on an empty stomach.

If HSE want to cut down obesity in children they should spend their money putting support systems in for breastfeeding because that is shown to reduce obesity in both the mother and the child. Two birds one stone and all that