how to trademark something?


Registered User
Hi folks,
Anyone have any pointers on how to go about trademarking something, like a slogan for a business (e.g. such as Nike's "Just Do It" slogan) ? In this case, it would be a slogan / catchphrase for an e-shopping site.)

Also, is it possible to get a 'global' trademark in Ireland? If so, how would one go about it and at what approximate cost?

Hi folks,
Anyone have any pointers on how to go about trademarking something, like a slogan for a business (e.g. such as Nike's "Just Do It" slogan) ? In this case, it would be a slogan / catchphrase for an e-shopping site.)

Also, is it possible to get a 'global' trademark in Ireland? If so, how would one go about it and at what approximate cost?


The Trademark must be capable of distinguishing the goods or services. If the slogan is overly generic you could consider distinguishing it through colour and/or font or other style mechanism. To apply you just fill out a form which is downloadable from the Patents Office website. The difficult bit is identifying the classes from the Nice Classifications. These can be found here. Yours will probably be one of the services from class 35 on.

World trademarks are handled by the World Intellectual Property Organisation.
does anyone know if your a sole trader and someone else trademarks your name what rights have you
does anyone know if your a sole trader and someone else trademarks your name what rights have you

If you can prove that you have a prior claim to the mark you can appeal to the Controller of Patents and Trademarks, Hebron Road, Kilkenny (ring the information unit in the first instance). Ultimately the matter can go to a hearing if it is not resolved. Proof might include old letterheads, invoices in that name etc. Do remember that if it is something like "Paul Staples Office Supplies" ie your name and a description of your business, this is not really trademarkable.

If your mark is unusual and stylised etc then you have a pretty good chance.