How to track pension from previous employment .


Registered User
Hi, Myself and my wife are nearing sixty , I know where I stand regarding my private pension but my wife never really gave it a second thought even though I kept prompting her to look in to it , She has worked for the HSE for 25 years and is now in the process of finding out how much she has paid in since starting work for them , She had worked for two other companies previously and has no idea if she has paid in to a pension fund with either of them , My question is can we find out if she has paid in to a previous pension fund , Thanks for any help .
I would start by looking at the payslips from the two previous jobs, to see if there were pension deductions.

I found this article which seems useful, link to the Pensions Authority contact info below. I am not sure what they can do though? Not clear from their website.

Thankfully it does seem to be changing, deferred pension owners should also get an annual statement. So maybe if you know where you lived at the time of your employment or whatever your last address you would have given them is, it might get sent there?
