How to sell Diageo shares


Registered User
My Dad has about 5,000 shares in Diageo plc. He has the share certs at home. He wants to sell some - what are his options? He is 80 and totally computer illiterate, so setting up an online account is not an option. Is there anywhere he can walk in off the street that will sell them for him for a reasonable fee? Thanks.
Davys or Goodbody will do it.

But paperwork is expensive so he will be charged.

And he has to open an account so they have to do all the checks.

Davys or Goodbody will do it.

But paperwork is expensive so he will be charged.

And he has to open an account so they have to do all the checks.

Thanks Brendan. I spoke to both and am surprised at how high the fees are. But it looks like he has no other options, other than Cantor Fitzgerald.
Is it possible to do it privately, but obviously someone has to change the ownership on the share register. Can diageo do that via a letter from buyer and seller?
Check with the Registrar for Diageo to see if they have a scheme

If he is planning to sell them over time, maybe convert them into an online holding.

If he is not IT competent, you can do it for him.

Thanks for all the replies. Good idea on the private sale, although I doubt he has a buyer in mind. The Registrar idea is a good one, I’ll look at that and report back.