How to find a good school


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How do I find out what are good schools and not so good schools in an area. Talking about both Junior and Senior schools. Need to register the latest arrival sometime soon for a school and other than talking to neighbours is there any official classification. If it is of any help am talking about the Malahide/POrtmarnock area
.. other than talking to neighbours is there any official classification.

For primary schools, talking to neighbours is the best bet. You didn't include the age of your 'latest arrival' but, normally, you can't register until the year before you want them to start. Also, if it is your 'local' school, registration should not be necessary.
... normally, you can't register until the year before you want them to start. Also, if it is your 'local' school, registration should not be necessary.
Completely depends on the school. I do some work in a couple of schools and they maintain waiting lists. But I know of a couple of (secondary) schools that places are given out on a particular day a year before starting. If it's your local school then you'd be bumped up the list but if you're outside the area it's first come first served. Dropping into the school(s) and asking what their admittance policy is would not only clarify that end of things, but you can get a bit of a feel for the place by chatting with staff and parents.