How to find a Business for sale


Quiet man

I have run my own business for over 20 years ,but in the last few years it has become very difficult to make a profit and I can't see the next few years getting any easier . I have some cash ,about 150K( and I also have assets which I could borrow against)which I would like to use to purchasse an existing business .There must be viable business's which people would like to sell, but cant find a buyer for in the present credit people looking to retire ,or people who opened add on ventures during the celtic tiger years ,but now want to concentrate on their core business, or people who have a basically sound business but find the cost of premisses is now too much and would like to get out with some cash rather than just lock the door and walk away (I have my own premisses ,so I could move a business I bought (if it was movable) .

My problem is I dont really know how to go about finding /purchassing or make an approach to a potential seller.I dont want to advertise as I wish to remain anonymous,and I dont want to recieve a large number of people trying to offload their problems(pending Tax/Bank issues etc) or turn up at my door to make a pitch.Does any one have any experience of this or can anyone suggest where to look for a potential business for sale .
Thanks for the links BetterBiz,
There is plenty for me to look at there.
Do you know how these business's might be valued ,is there a rule of thumb (like a multiple of net profit etc) or roughly what might 150k buy in todays economy,Might some owners accept a stagered payment based on certain figures being met or is cash payment up front the norm.

Also does anyone know if any business I might buy would find it harder to maintain its Bank overdraft/term loan facillities or supplier credit accounts because it had a new owner who might be considered a Learner driver in the business.
Are banks favourably disposed to lending to clients who wish to buy a business these days.