How much to charge for Consultancy fees?


Registered User
I am hoping this query is in the right place.

I am currently in business providing a service directly related to filing in the Companies Registration Office. I have a set price list depending on what needs to be done i.e. new company formation, change of directors / shareholders / memorandum & articles of association etc.

A few companies have approached me recently and asked me would i be willing to come into their accountancy practices and run through a list of the forms with their secretaries or other members of staff. This will range from what forms should be used for a specific purpose, and how to both fill and file same with the Companies Office. This would alleviate the need for an accountant to deal with all filing obligations with CRO and concentrate more on the accounts side of things. I am more than willing to do this but i'm not sure what i should charge for a few hours of in house training. Is there a set fee for consultancy / training that i should be charging per hour. I've looked and i can't see any other companies who provide this service so i have nothing to base my estimate on. Any ideas?

Mod: I hope this is not too specific. Feel free to edit/change as you deem necessary.
It sounds like you will be training these companies so they can then take business away from you?
It sounds like tiger is right. If the accountants wish to focus on the accounts and leave this form filling to someone else why don't you tailor a package where you can do this on the accountants behalf on an ongoing basis? This way you will have a constant ongoing source of business rather than a one off training fee.

You should be able to position yourself as the person to approach for all outsource filing requirements

Thanks Matt and Tiger for the feedback. I had thought of the fact that it does sound like i'm doing myself out of work but the fact is that the training they require me to give is based around a small selection of "every day forms" that would be filed. Accountants would normally file these themselves and would never outsource someone like myself for these every day tasks. Its the larger secretarial and company formation services they would use me for on an ongoing basis and these are areas that i'm not giving training in as it would do me out of business
Hi GED, I would work out how much it would cost one of the accountants to give the training (i.e. hours of prep + hours of training * accountant hourly rate) and then knock a bit off so they feel they are getting value. Otherwise they could just do the training themselves.