How could any parent do this?


Registered User
This footage claims to be of a mother kissing her daughters goodbye before she sends them off as suicide bombers. If it's true it's both heartbreaking and utterly sickening.
It is the Mirror so it could be untrue. I hope it is.
You are not allowed make any derogatory comments about this in politically correct Ireland. You willbe labelled a racist
I guess you have to be suspicious of all such stories. This RTE story says that a female suicide bomber who attacked a town in northeast Nigeria earlier this month had a baby strapped to her back. If such stories are true the mentality beggars belief.
Why the surprise , ?
Its awful and very sad .
Remember its not too long ago that our heroes booby trapped van and forced people to drive them , or Omagh Etc.
Sadly ,Not too hard, to move on a (little) step more !
Why the surprise , ?
Its awful and very sad .
Remember its not too long ago that our heroes booby trapped van and forced people to drive them , or Omagh Etc.
Sadly ,Not too hard, to move on a (little) step more !
Yep, in 1986 a Muslim terrorist Nezar Hindawi put a bomb in the bag of his unsuspecting 4 month pregnant Irish fiancé.
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Yep, in 1986 a Muslim terrorist Nezar Hindawi put a bomb in the bag of his unsuspecting 4 month pregnant Irish fiancé.
We dont have to mention Nezar Hindawi. Our own home grown scum took Patsy Gillespie from his home in Derry while his family was held hostage. They strapped Patsy into a van loaded with explosives and ordered him to drive it to a British Army checkpoint where they detonated the explosives killing Patsy Gillespie and five soldiers. "Peacemaker" McGuiness wont condemn this act
We dont have to mention Nezar Hindawi. Our own home grown scum took Patsy Gillespie from his home in Derry while his family was held hostage. They strapped Patsy into a van loaded with explosives and ordered him to drive it to a British Army checkpoint where they detonated the explosives killing Patsy Gillespie and five soldiers. "Peacemaker" McGuiness wont condemn this act
I agree. We certainly can't occupy any moral high ground.
There seems to be so many children in DEIS schools who need help.

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There see so many children in DEIS schools who need help.

Why do you think that is the case.

Please note I am not asking why you think that, I am sure you are right. I am asking why does it happen, that so many children need help.
Oops - error corrected in my post above.

There seems to be.. I don't know the answer. Poor parenting skills perhaps would be one reason perhaps. There are some very bad home situations. These schools provide lots of resources for children who need help.
