Hours Worked


Registered User
What sort of hours do AAM posters do?
Of late I find myself doing about 60-65 hours a week in work and another 15-25 at home. This is not usual for me (I usually do about 50 at work and 5-10 at home) and I'm knackered. Does anyone do mad long hours all the time?
For the sake of this thread lets ignore the working time act and pretent we are all self employed.
I'm a continental shift worker, and work 48hrs over 4 days, with 4 days off.

Rarely do OT, so is usually no more than 48, and get plenty of time off, so quite often less than 48.:)

Feel sorry for you having to work up to 90hrs - that can't be good for you. I find 48 very tiring !!!!
I do 40 hours a week, 7am-4pm and then 7am-12pm on a Friday so pretty happy with my hours (the joys of working flexi hours). I do maybe 50+ hours when on site on a project but when in the office its normally on 40 hours. I work as a Pharmaceutical Software Enginner.

My girlfriend works 60+ hours at work and then maybe another 20+ hours at home, she is a general manager of a fitness centre so she is endlessly working. She normally works 7 days a week also.
Work in financial services and work about 60 hours per week. Never work from home and only take blackberry when travelling for work reasons. Never take it home or on holidays much to my bosses disgust. Line has to be drawn somewhere but I can imagine how difficult it it if you are self employed.
My Hours are 8-6 Mon to friday but regularly work past 6, dont get any O/T pay. I gave up bringing work home at weekends.
Work 50-60 hours per week, in my job people don't hesitate to ask for appointments late in the evening any day of the week, don't always accommodate though. there are times when Id have 2-3 straight weeks with no day off but partly my own doing aswell. Its hard to switch off though when you work a long week.
I'm a 35 hour week worker, (Private sector), 9-5 mon-fri. Occasionally staying late is required but I'd take time in lieu if this occurs.

I like my job and my company but I prefer my free time! I work to live rather than the reverse.

I'm not a believer in 'putting in the hours' to get ahead. I've seen plenty of people who work long hours but aren't productive. Quality not quantity is what I try to adhere to.

I'm not for one minute suggesting that those who work long hours, like your good selves, aren't doing quality work!!

I guess it depends on the industry and the lifestyle choices of the individual. I know that some people really love their jobs and are more than happy to spend long hours at it. In a way I envy them *slightly* as they are spending their time doing something they love and are probably being very well rewarded for doing so...
At the moment including commuting i'm doing about 90 hrs.

Thats 2 jobs and from April to Sept its about that 6 or 7 days a week and Dec is the same.

I am commuting 15 hrs and then 75 work.

Thats day job and seperate business interests.

Its a lot but we do what has to be done in life.
Is the commute included in the working hours??
Eg. I leave house at 7 and on a bad traffic day get home at 7 but my hours are 9-5.30.
Ok well then I do 42.5 hours (although a bit reduced now due to "credit crunch!!")
Do about ten hours a week at home - it appears from looking at posts above that I'm quite lazy!!!;)
I spend 70-80 hours/week at my job, but not necessarily 'working'. Right now I'm not working, but reading the internet. I'm striving to improve my work/life balance by
- waking up earlier
- always finishing at 5:30, no matter what.
- not working at weekends
- unplugging the internet.
- doing (far) more exercise.

Over the last year or so, I grown fat, unfit and inefficient.
I also work 35 hours. 9-5 Monday - Friday. I can do a bit extra if I wish at home but will take leave in lieu. I feel lazy now when I see the hours other people work. It takes me 5 mins to get to work. I don't know how long commuters do it and then work such long hours.
I spend 70-80 hours/week at my job, but not necessarily 'working'. Right now I'm not working, but reading the internet. I'm striving to improve my work/life balance by
- waking up earlier
- always finishing at 5:30, no matter what.
- not working at weekends
- unplugging the internet.
- doing (far) more exercise.

Over the last year or so, I grown fat, unfit and inefficient.

that would be a nice life.

Most nights its about 7 before i'm home and up at 6.30

Some nights its 10pm when i'm home and some its 2 to 4 am ( and still up at 6.30 )

Then its sat 8.30 to 3pm and 8 pm to about 2am.
I used to work O/T but decided that my free time is more important.
I currently am self employed and work 9 to 5. I work contract work so have some flexibility in choosing my hours.
I follow the "work to live, not live to work" rule :)

I follow the "work to live, not live to work" rule :)


My sentiments exactly. I worked 35 hour week. 10 mins commute each way. Start between 8.30 and 10.00, finish between 4.00 adn 6.30 (flexitime). Usually do the 8.30 to 4.00 slot and I'm home/in the pub by 4.15! :D

Sometimes travel for meetings, etc.. Always make sure I take my "travel time". Took me years to get to this life balance and I'm not going to lose it now!
I used to work O/T but decided that my free time is more important.
I currently am self employed and work 9 to 5. I work contract work so have some flexibility in choosing my hours.
I follow the "work to live, not live to work" rule :)


So do i, i'n year 2 of a 5 year plan that will reduce working hrs, increase personal time and less bills at the end of it.
I am beginning to think that some people are actually proud of how much they work!!! It sounds like the 'lunch is for wimps' culture is back!