Hired 3y ago as sen mgr in large co. Demotion & constructive dismissal?

Thanks Roy, ONQ and others.

All good advice. I have initiated a grevience procedure and have still not had any direct contact from the supervisor involved. However, they did reinstate my initial contract title (back up 1 grade) stating that it was an error / oversight on their part.

This is part of a downsizing effort as work has already been moved overseas & I wasnt the only one impacted. Its also a blatent case of nepotism i.e. appointment of a friend / colleague without any formal interview process etc. The funny thing is that the new supervisor was also appointed in a similar manner so will have the backing of the regional CEO. I have since found out that this type of thing has happened in this org a number of times over the past 10 years and not just from this individual. Some of the longer term employees were not surprised at all by this behaviour from senior management.

I have all my doccumentation in order and have spoken to a solicitor who thinks it would be a good case but has asked me to think about how far I'm prepared to go and what is the end goal. Its a small industry and the payoff / satisfaction might not be worth the potential reputation damage as a 'trouble maker'. The flip side is that it as it is a small industry I certainly dont want the reputation of a pushover or having the reputation of being demoted from a position that I was recently promoted to (implying to people that didnt know the situation that there were performance issues).

As I stated in my opening post, I'm not with the company all that long, so it might be best to sit it out, wait for someting else to materialise elsewhere and then cut my losses. On a positive note I'm glad I found out their cultural / values relatively early.