Help - Benefits and Property Abroad



Can anybody advise about a family member who is claiming incapacity and disability benefit but has property abroad.
They have never mentioned the property abroad as it was passed down from the parents and is now passed onto their children but now the benefit agengy require a valuation and they are worried and dont know what to do or what could happen. TIA.
we dont know but guessing... a phonecall from somebody, though my family have not done anything to deserve it.
So somebody who possibly cheats benefits or evades tax doesn't deserve any kind of auditing?
this is not about cheating benefits.. this is about family members who has no idea what is going to happen... they have done everything legal, paid all taxes through their life and now are retired and on disability benefits but owned a property abroad and neither my or other family members know how to help and advise.
Unfortunately ignorance is no excuse. The department of welfare will advisse them how to proceed.
We know they will give us the final answer but can ANYBODY else help with advice as they are pensioners and are very worried... this thread is about help... not ignorance... as anybody else been in the same situation.
Does your query relate to someone who is on a disability payment paid by the authorities in Ireland? You mention the 'Benefits Agency'. Do you mean the Department of Social Protection in Ireland?

Also, what disability payment are they on - you mention 'disability benfits' and 'incapacity'. Do you mean Disability Allowance or Disablement Benfit? These are different payments with different qualifying criteria.

If this person is receiving a social welfare payment from Ireland and you need advice on what they should do, then you might consider contacting your nearest Citizens Information Centre for free, confidential advice on their options. You can also check out their website

have a quick look thru the 'ask legal questions'.
i know someone that had passed on a house to his son years and years ago and then the man had to go into a nursing home that was paid for by the state since he could not afford to pay (no assets), to cut a long story short the son was forced to sell the house and pay for the nursing home as it was once an asset of the old man.
there are rules involved when passing on assets. maybe ask a solicitor!
If the family member is on Illness Benefit (formerly Disability Benefit) from Ireland, it is based on PRSI contributions so ownership of a property will not affect entitlements.

If they are on Disability Allowance which is means-tested, they will have to declare ownership of the property - if it is not used as their principle residence, the value will be assessed against their entitlement.