Health Promotion or Exercise and Health Studies???


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Hey Everyone,

I am 24 I completed a Level 6 Higher Cert in Financial Services last May and have had no luck in finding employment since, I sent out hundreds of CVs and only manage 3 interviews 2 of which I was unsuccessful and I have the other coming up next week which is only an internship in a voluntary organisation although a very reputable one.

I have known for some time now that business and finance is not what I really enjoy although I am rather good at, Health and fitness is what I love doing.

I applied to return to college as a mature student naming Health Promotion and Exercise and Health Studies as my number 1 and 2 choices both being held at Waterford IT. But I am torn between the 2 because Exercise and health seems to be a bit more down my alley as it involves more activity with clients to aid them with there fitness and weight loss goals but the down side is that I will just basically become a glorified personal trainer not that there is anything wrong with that but I can do that part time in a shorter space of time and work while doing so........NCEF gives me this option.

Health Promotion seems to be a safer bet as getting a job within the HSE is a possibility along with a few other bodies, not only this but the money and hours and opportunities for promotion would be considerably better.

Or should I stay trying to get a job within the financial services sector??

I really need some good advice as this has been on my mind for months now and I cant make a decision that im happy with for more than a week or 2.

If you're intent on doing one of those degrees then I'd go with the Health & Exercise. I'd be surprised if the NCEF wasn't build into the first two years of it- check this with the course leader. So you'd be a qualified fitness instructor anyway after the first two years of the degree.
I dont think that the rare Health Promotion Officer jobs that appear specify a degree in Health Promotion only. You could always do your work placement in this kind of environment and see if it's for you then do the health promotion postgrad in UL afterwards. I just think it's too specific a degree to do with the aim of finding work. There are jobs here and abroad for fitness instructors as Im sure you've seen. If you're going for this Id suggest you add as many other leisure/fitness qualifications to your cv as possible also, especially spinning and aqua aerobics, pilates and kettlebell. Of course you could do the shorter NCEF and take this to degree level part time now. Either route is going to lead to the general first step on the ladder- fitness instructor. The job is what you make of it after that- it's certainly one that travels well too.