Harassment from Employer

No Dereko, depending on what the illness is the line managers would not be informed by the company doctor. The company doctor would however, write to the management indicating the gravity of the illness and placing details in a "doctors sealed envelope" in the employee's work personnel file.

Good advice though to keep a note of all occasions and the need to discuss with the line manager the harrassment issue. By the way, you dont have to give too many chances for the situation to be remedied. But, keep taking notes indicating what was said or done, the witnesses, the time and date and how you felt at the time.
Hi again guys I have bought it up to them before that I feel that I am being a victim of harassment and I want it recorded in my file that I have bought this up in the meeting which they did. So they know how I feel but still no change and I not being called into a meeting since last week so at the moment I dont know what's going on.I am keeping notes and times and date now so hopefully things will change. Thanks again guys .
Update for ye kind people. I was called into a meeting today with my union rep and two managers one speaking and one taking notes. I was as the same questions again so I answered the same as I always do. Then the asked me what have I got I told them my doctor knows and I am awaiting results then they started given my medical advice in what foods to avoid to go see a diet specialist and let them know what I have which I made no remark too. Can the give me advice like this they are not doctor's is this not illegal people who made them doctor's told me we will have another meeting in four weeks time regarding my results and were to go from then. Do I have to give them my results ?? Man I am teed off now .
My opinion still is you have a grievance. You are participating with the process as you are obliged to, but you are not happy with the way it is conducted. You need to make that known now. No need to wait for the next meeting.

Did you tell your union rep that you are not happy with the way the process is being operated?
they started given my medical advice in what foods to avoid to go see a diet specialist and let them know what I have which I made no remark too. Can the give me advice like this they are not doctor's is this not illegal people who made them doctor's

Try a bit more punctuation in future posts, man - it will help people to make sense of your comments.

There is nothing illegal about anyone giving medical advice. It's a bit of a stupid thing for an employer to do, but it's not illegal. The best thing you and your union rep can do is to challenge them as it happens. Ask them calmly and politely if they are qualified to give medical advice. Ask them to put their medical advice in writing, and see if they are dumb enough to do that.
They have a right to question you to a certain extent in order to help manage rotas etc...but if you have been to company doctor and they have agreed your condition they can not interfere. If they are not doctors they can not question medical opinion

They can not ask you about diet etc..to be honest they are harassing you. I would ask to initiate official grievance policy as it sounds they are trying to force you out.

By the other guy commenting to your Mother if he was specific and you did not tell hime anything before you have serious grounds for a case as it breaches your privacy rights
All is sorted they have backed off as I got a written warning and they gave me medical advice once again so I contacted my g.p who wrote a letter too there head office regarding there treatment of me and giving me medical advice written warning withdrawn and no futher action to take place . Happy Days !!
Glad you got sorted,and wishing you all the best for the future.
Hi, how are you getting on with this, are you getting any more harassment? Did you raise a formal grievance? Did you get dismissed?

I had a similar problem after a car accident and was forced to take appointments out of holiday time accrued.

I was eventually dismissed for something unrelated.

Yes you were being harassed. Have no doubt about it and don't listen to anyone who tries to convince you otherwise.

If you were dismissed, take a cars to rights commissioner, if you were due any pay or holidays, or bonuses, make and application under payment of wages act, and your unfair dismissal will be attached, average waiting time is three months max. Following on, if you are found to have been n fairly dismissed, then take a personal injury case under the health and safety legislation. Also take a case for discrimination with the equality legislation.

The unfair dismissal is capped at two years salary. The other two cases are uncapped compensation.

Let us know how you are getting on.