Given wrong TV by Harvey Norman - Legal rights?

Josey Wales

Registered User

I bought two TVs from Harvey Norman about 3 weeks ago. We opened and used the 32" straight away but as we didn't have a bracket for the wall we left the 19" in the box.

We bought a bracket at the weekend and were ready to put it up. We opened up the 19" TV to find out that it is white and not black as we asked for and just like the 32" we bought. Neither of us like the white colour at all.

Rang Harvey Normans and the man said a refund or exchange is no problem. However, I rang again today to find out when they would have more black 19" TVs in stock and the guy today said our story is a bit dubious. We have to go in later to talk to them.

I checked the Consumer Association site today. I'm not sure if we have any legal rights here. Anyone with an opinion?

I have no idea why there might be a problem. Just go back in to them with your receipt and the telly. Face to face is always the best way to deal with these "issues".
If push comes to shove show him the receipt for the bracket that you bought recently. It is poor customer service on their part in light of the fact that you bought two TVs from them.
If he doesn't want to exchange, you're probably within your rights to request a full refund as the item you were given was "not as described" (might be hard to prove this though).

I'm sure you'll get what you want. Cheek of the guy saying your story was a bit dubious, especially as you bought two tv's at the time and the bracket several weeks later.
If he's going to give you problems regarding swapping the white for a black by trying to fob you off by saying there isn't one in stock, you might do an "anonymous shop" before identifying yourself (assuming he doesn't know you) to ask if they've a black one in stock - pretending you'd like to purchase.
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You engaged in a cotract to buy a certain colour TV and you received the wrong colour, should be straight forward enough for even the most challenged customer service rep.