Getting repairs done while renting.


Registered User

I am renting a family house. The central heating isn't working in the downstairs part of the house, it stopped suddenly at the weekend, and the gate blew off the side of the house last night, and we have a leaky tap.

These are repairs which I need to have done fairly quickly - it is chilly in the early mornings and on bath night for my baby, and I can't let him out in the back garden with no gate, plus there is a security issue with no gate.

I phoned my landlord this morning and left him a voice mail briefly explaining what needed to be done and asked him to let me know if he has an approved / favoured plumber and handy man in this area, or if I should get one from Golden Pages.

We have almost no contact with LL - we have had no problems or issues, so we rarely need to speak. We found the property through an EA's letting office.

Was this the right approach? Should I just have called him and asked him to arrange repairs? If he doesn't call soon should / can I just go ahead and arrange repairs and expect him to reimburse me? Should I ask the letting guy to get repairs done?

Any advice on the best thing to do?

Many thanks

I would imagine that if you found the house in an EA's office then your LL has possibly paid the EA to not only advertise the property but perhaps also to maintain the letting. This means that he will not be expecting to receive any calls from his tenants.

Who arranged the letting initially? Was it the EA? If so i would contact them first.