Getting married in RC church


Registered User
Does anyone know if a person can get married in a church if they have been christened as roman catholic but have NOT made their communion and confirmation?
Yes, they can, you will need to talk to the priest about it, and you will have to do the usual "pre nuptual enquiry" bit with the priest but once you're babtised you can marry in a RC Church.
I would think a lot will depend on the priest. Don't you have to provide confirmations certs etc before you can get married, and a letter from your parish priest if you are not getting married in your local church.
What if your partner was never baptised into any religion (they were born/rasied atheist) ?
If you were baptised into the Catholic church - you are entitled to receive the sacrament of marriage, even if your partner is not a Catholic (ie you receive the sacrament, but they don't).

I'm a baptised (non-practising) Catholic, my husband is not - we got married in a Registry Office by choice, but my mother checked with a priest who is a family friend just in case!

The same priest was also at pains to point this out to a friend of mine who thought that she had "only received a blessing" as her husband is not a Catholic.
Baptism is a requirement, communion, confirmation and penance are not requirements in Canon Law but are strongly recommended.

However, since they are all deemed to be sacraments, the liklihood is that the person concerned would be asked why they have not received these sacraments and potentially are they prepared to receive them now?. Depending on the answer given, the priest may refuse the sacrament of marraige on the grounds that if the person is refusing to receive one sacrament, why should they get another?