Gardening - north facing wall


Registered User
anyone got suggestions for wall coverings on a north facing wall - already have a cotoneaster planted there and doing nicely but looking for an alternative as well. Preferably not an ivy though.
Climbing hydrangea - lovely white flowers, lovely splash of brightness on a north-facing wall.
Pyracantha - thorny and evergreen,
Hydranga petiolaris - white flowers, not evergreen,
Berberis - not evergreen.
Careful of climbing hydrangea might take a few years to settle in and flower. All other suggestions agree in full with
I planted a climbing hydrangea, on a north facing fence, last summer, and despite the fact that I pruned it, (according to my mother I should have waited until it was established to prune), it flowered this year and is climbing and clinging fairly quickly, I'd say it has doubled in height and spread in 12 months.
