Fridge/Freezer Problems.



is there anyone who fixes fridges? My fridge is about useless and I don't know why. The freezer bit is ok but too cold for icecream. But the fridge itself is way to warm. I put a fridge thermometer in and was shocked. It's about 12 degrees, not much better than the ambient temperature.
Anyone got any ideas?
There is usually an adjustable control in the fridge so you can bring it up/down slightly. Is there any chance you have this control at the wrong end of the scale?
fridge not cold enough

If adjusting the thermostat as mentioned above doesn't work then the thermostat unit itself could be bust and need replacing. It is possible to buy a replacement and do it yourself if you have a basic grip of electrics (and remember to unplug the fridge while doing it - unlike me! :eek ).
fridge not cold enough

Also ...

Did the fridge once work OK and is suddenly not cooling?

Check the door seal.

Check that there is sufficient/adequate ventilation clearance at the back and sides.

This might also be of interest:
must be broken

thanks for suggestions.
I turned the thermostat from 5 to 1 yesterday morning, temperature still 12 degrees.
Can anyone tell me where I could buy a new thermostat?
fridge not cold enough

I've bought a few for DIY installation in a couple of Candy fridges from the domestic appliance parts place on North Frederick Street, D1 but somebody else posted here saying that they were available cheaper elsewhere (but exactly where I can't remember).
These people might help:

Spare Parts Centre Ltd, 9 Frederick St. North,Dublin 1.
(01) 8726565
Water collecting at bottom of fridge

Anyone have any idea what could be causing water to collect at the bottom of our fridge. It gets quite frosty at the back of the fridge but theres a pool of water at the bottom. It seems cold inside though. Thanks
Re: Water collecting at bottom of fridge

Hi Toby,

IMHO it could be one of many things but the 2 that spring to mind immediately are:

1. Is the fridge self-defrosting with a small channel at the bottom? The water is meant to run along and drain out of this section. It regularly becomes blocked hence the water collecting. You can check this out quite easily yourself and clean/clear it out. I have used a cotton bud to do so.

2. Is the fridge set at the correct temperature. Places like Roches Stores sell the thermometers specially for fridges and its a good idea to have one. This document [broken link removed] confirms that the fridge should be kept below 5 degrees centigrade.

Water on top of fridge

My microwave is on top of my fridge, but there seems to be a pool of water gathering under the microwave. Dont really have the space to move the mw to another location. The fridge is on a low setting and i dont have a problem with it frosting up too quick. The microwave wouldn't be used every day.

Any ideas what's causing this and how can I stop it.
Re: Water on top of fridge

This could be condensation caused by an interruption of the air flow around the fridge. I'd move that microwave!
Re: Water on top of fridge

I'm really stuck for space! Would it be enough to put something under the microwave to raise it up and allowing an airflow between the 2?
Re: Water on top of fridge

Might work. But be careful. You need a good airflow around most electrical appliances (including the microwave).

Your problem sounds extreme. Do you have good ventilation in the room?

Miner said:
I'm really stuck for space! Would it be enough to put something under the microwave to raise it up and allowing an airflow between the 2?
Re: Water on top of fridge

Ventilation is ok but since the fridge and mw are in a corner, I think i'll move the mw. Thanks for your help Extopia.
Re: Water collecting at bottom of fridge

Thanks Suellen, I'll have a look for the defrost pipe
Re: Water collecting at bottom of fridge

Yep, it's most likely a blocked drain channel.This happens to my fridge every so often. The water is supposed to just drain out and evaporate from a little tray.
Re: Water collecting at bottom of fridge

Thanks guys, this seems to have worked
Fridge leaking

hi all,

noticed that our fridge has been leaking with the last few days. Had a look and it seems as if the hole at the back of the fridge is not emptying. any suggestions how to fix the problem or should I get a plumber in?
Re: Fridge leaking

I know this sounds stupid but have you tried clearing out the hole? I had a similar problem about a month ago. Water was pouring out onto the floor. Took me ages to figure out the hole was blocked with onion skins. A cake tester or something similar should do the trick!
Re: Fridge leaking

hi Marge,

Yes, I've cleaned it but it comes back again a few days later. might try the cake tester option in case it is something stuck further down than I can see.
