Foreign teenager in Dublin- what to do?



We will have a teenage boy 14 (not native English speaker) visiting in July for 6 weeks. Any ideas for what he can do? join? summer camp? Thanks
Hi Mary,

When we had a french exchange student some years ago we took her to [broken link removed] and she loved it. We went on one of the bus trips around town which she thoroughly enjoyed also.

You don't mention what area you would be looking for the summer camp.

This thread is quite dated but it may give you some ideas. Running the search option in that forum provides and it may give you some further ideas.

Fair dues to you for making some effort to provide entertainment etc. The girl who stayed with us told us that the family that she stayed with in London went to work each day and left her in the house on her own. They left frozen meals for her to cook herself if they were not returning in the evenings and she found the whole trip very lonely :(
Teenager in city

Yes thanks for suggestions- west city- but think he will be ok to travel to city on bus etc - so something in city would suit also. One option we have is a small job 1 or 2 hours a day in a cafe a friend owns, but would like something else that would be suitable- he is into sport so something in that would be good. Not easy- but should be ok if we do some preplanning- so any suggestions will be appreciated.
Would his parents go the extra and pay for him to be enrolled in a language school? That way he'd have a structure to his day (lessons in the morning & afternoon, activities in the evening and at weekends). It would take a lot off your plate too in terms of trying to entertain him all the time. 6 weeks is a lot of time to try and entertain him for.

My brother was, until last year, a director of a language school in North Wicklow and my other brother teaches in one in south Dublin during the summer months to save money whilst he pursues his doctorate.

I know that the language schools around Dublin are heavily networked so, if you wish, I'll ask the lads and see if they can recommend one in west Dublin and how much it would be likely to cost.
The GAA runs summer camps every summer. Might be interesting for him to try a bit of football or hurling! The FAI also run loads of soccer camps. Contact your local sports clubs and they should be able to let you know whats around.
Thank you for suggestions- i really like idea of language school- maybe 1 or 2 weeks- unfortunately a lot of schools are geared towards older adults in city centre- found 2 but they have junior summer school (2 weeks typically) and are in Artane and Blackrock- this would mean that the student needed to get 2 buses- i would prefer something closer here Lucan- or in city. Anyone have any ideas?

Anyone know where to contact some sports club or organisation who could offer teenager 14 male some sports activity for a few evenings/ days/ per week- Lucan or general West Dublin or Phoenix Park areas would suit.
From experience I would suggest that you find other 14 year olds in the area who he can socialize with. I know he is coming here to learn English but he will need to speak his own language with people his own age otherwise he will be miserable.
Are you doing this privately or through an agency?
If you are going through an agency ask them for ideas.
Do you have children of the same age? Could they involve them with their activities and friends?
I have had a couple of students and found that the personality that was described on their CV was completely different to the child who appeared on my doorstep. You really have to take it on a day to day basis until you find out what they like doing, what motivates them, what they like to eat etc etc.
Have you got computer games for wet days? Sometimes they like to prepare some of their own meals.
Best of luck.