Flat roof, top floor apt: buildings and contents insurance


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I am the owner of a top floor apartment. The roof is 100% flat. There is buildings insurance in place. I've already made enquiries to get contents insurance and been told "sorry, we don't insure 100% flat roofs".

In the buildings insurance policy document, in the section entitled Property Damage, the definition of Buildings includes landlords contents up to 25,000 unless specified in the schedule.

Landords contents is defined as furniture, furnishings, building management systems, security equipment and other similar property or property for which you (the policy holder named in the schedule) are responsible all whilst contained in or on the buildings.

In the section 17 statement there is no mention of any exclusions. I will be asking the OMC directly but I'd like to get some opinions beforehand:

1. Who is the policy holder, the OMC, the apartment owners, both, none of the above?

2. Am I supposed to be a landlord or does it refer to somebody/something else?

3. Can I assume that landlords contents are included if not excluded specifically in the section 17 statement?

4. Do I need separate standard contents insurance?
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You might need to contact a broker or ring around a number of companies. Most standard insurers idea of a content policy is the contents of a semi-d. Once you deviate from that they're not interested. I know one of our insurers has a landlord content policy that will include fixtures and fittings of the landlord. IT will also cover the excess of the management companies insurance policy (which often has a €5k or more excess).