Fine Gael/ contradiction?


Registered User
Just happen to be based on Rathmines at the moment and wondered how the local FG newsletter which proclaims that [Fine Gael Councillor] Brian Gillen has strongly challenged a recent planning application to open a new store in the former Rathmines Plaza Hotel, squared with their position on "rip-off Ireland" as set out [broken link removed]? :\
Now, now, Clubman — puzzling over contradictions between declared/official/publicly-espoused party ideals and the behaviour of individual councillors...?

I think the former "Rathmines Plaza Hotel" is the habitat of the very rare "Fine Gael Snail". Development should be delayed until we do an Environmental Impact study on this most important species.
The whole 'rip-off Ireland' mullarkey is a joke and one which frankly makes FG, traditionally the party of enterprise and small business, look stupid.
The whole 'rip-off Ireland' mullarkey is a joke ...

Just to clarify my first post I don't hold with knee-jerk blaming of "rip-off Ireland" for many of our problems either.