FE 1: advice regarding attempting Fe1 exams without any prior legal knowledge!



Could anyone offer advice regarding attempting Fe1 exams without any prior legal knowledge!! If the truth be known are the exams just a memory game?

Also would anyone know whether a diploma is required in Law prior to taking the LPC course in the UK.

Re: FE 1 Discussion


The FE1's involve a hard slog. It would be a help to have studied law however, they are very achievable whatever your background. You can always do a prep course which can be helpful.

A huge number of people are sitting FE1's at the moment. Before anyone embarks down the FE1 route they should make certain that they can get an apprenticeship. A friend recently qualified as a Solicitor to become unemployed. The combination of a massive oversupply of Solicitors and recession are making things very difficult. It also seems that the people who had difficulty obtaining an apprenticeship are now having great difficulty obtaining full time employment as qualified solicitors.

I am not aware of the position in UK. Good Luck
Re: FE 1 Discussion

you definetely need legal knowledge. I had a law degree & it still took a lot of work. I did not get them all the first go. You would definetely need to do a course such as griffith etc to prepare yourself. they are very tough exams. I could not find an aprenticeship & it has just got a lot tougher so i really would not reccomend doing them unless you have really thought it through.
Talk to Val Corbett at Independent Colleges. Was at Griffith and now there. He know his stuff about the FE1 and gives sound advice.