Fair Time to Wait From Booking Deposit to Contract Sign?



Sale agreed a property in Cork City Centre 50 days ago. Received a booking deposit the next week but since then the purchaser has been very slow - took them 3/4 weeks to organise an engineer and then they've had the contracts for a while and no sign of them back

Have left the sign board / daft.ie ad in place (selling myself) and continue to get enquiries. Have held off showing it to more people (happy enough with price). Don't want to come the heavy with the buyer but how long do I wait for them to sign and committ ... what do people think is fair? If they are going to pull out I would want to know sooner rather than later so I can get showing it again.

I know there'll be lots of "you're lucky to have a buyer at all..." comments but that aside, what is a fair time from agreement to contract sign (with no funnies regarding the property by the way)?
I suspect that, along with (the small number of purchasers out there) that they are having problems with loan approval. I suggest you ask them for binding contracts to be returned within 21 days before you actively seek another purchaser. You will need to withdraw the contracts also. You can do this in a very pleasant but very businesslike way. Obviously, if they do get their loan approval very quickly and you have not sold to anyone else, you will deal with them then.

hi i sold in feb o8 in dublin and was given til may 27th 08.... then we were given june 5th .....today i was given june 13th... it is our side holding up the process with having to process the deeds after probate... i think were doing pretty well having sold and prepared everything,but living in limbo and not having a final date can be frustrating,espicially when the sale of contract is not signed!....