Failed in mortgage payment


Registered User
Hello all,
Just a quick question, i have had a mortgage with AIB for the last 11 years. Due to weather conditions I was not able to visit the bank to lodge this months payment. There was about 30 euro in the account, when i looked online yesterday the balance read - €670. I went back today and the balance read + €30.00. THis months mortgage was taken out but put back again. I have got to the bank today and lodged the money needed. What happens now ?
Am i in trouble ?

You need to call them to find out what the story is......they can only tell you that!
Call them and talk to them. Usually if the first payment is missed they will go back to your account later in the month and try for it again. I was late with a payment a few months ago and when I rang them, the lady I talked to said that if the first one was rejected, they would try again later in the month. 2 weeks later it was taken from the account without any problems. If you have a laser card, they may even take it over the phone from you.
Don't worry about this. The same happened me last March. I was late transferring money to my current account from another account with a different bank. I called the bank, explained what happened and that the money was now there. They then took the mortgage payment later in the month. It was fine and had no impact on my credit history / rating.
I imagine it'll be the same for you - just clarify this with your bank.