European Parliament Elections


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The Elections are June 7 next, just under 5 weeks away. To my mind there has been relatively little coverage, of the various candidates; so I thought I would have a go myself. This is a mix of factual info and some personal thoughts.

Ireland will elect 14 members, one more than last time, on a single transferable vote system from the following constituencies: Midlands-North West 5, South 5 and Dublin 4.

The existing MEPs are 5 FG, 3 Independents, 2 FF, 2 Green, 1 SF as follows.

Barry Andrews. Fianna Fáil/Renew Europe
Ciarán Cuffe. Green Party/Green Group
Claire Daly. Independent/The Left Group
Frances Fitzgearld. Fine Gael/EPP

Midlands NorthWest
Luke Ming Flanagan. Independent/The Left Group
Chris McManus. Sinn Fein/The left Group
Colm Markey. Fine Gael/EPP
Maria Walsh. Fine Gael/EPP

Deirdre Clune. Fine Gael/EPP
Barry Kelliher. Fianna Fáil/Renew Europe
Sean Kelly. Fine Gael/EPP
Grace O Sullivan. Green Party/Green Group
Mick Wallace. Independent/The Left Group

This time around there are 23 candidates in Dublin, for the 4 seats.

It is nice to see a representative of an immigrant community taking the plunge and standing for election. He has a decent record as public figure. A worthy candidate.

Umar Al-Qadri​



Part of the Andrews FF dynasty, Ryan Tubridy's first cousin. A substantial FF figure. You know what you get with FF and Andrews has a good record as a public representative.

Barry Andrews​

Renew Europe Group​

Fianna Fáil

'The voice of Ireland's disaffected' according to herself. Lynn has a solid record as a public representative. She was elected to the European in the last two elections, and with SF support up, she is likely to be re-elected again.

Lynn Boylan​

The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL​

Sinn Féin

Notice box, no discernible record of achievement. Not worth a vote.

Niall Boylan​


Independent Ireland

'Raising my boys from the beginning, to be strong, brave, men who will speak up, stand up, and fight for their country. We are not afraid to say what we mean.' Although there are some posters on here who echo this type of nonsense, I doubt even they will vote for her. No discernible record of achievement. Not worth a vote.

Rebecca Barrett​


The National Party

Too green for the Greens. I admire people like this who put themselves forward in an honourable cause, he seems to be a decent and well meaning person, not likely to make any mark at the polls.

Robin Cafolla​


An Rabharta Glas-Green Left (ARG-GL)

The Eamon Ryan wing of the greens. Existing MEP, I am not sure that he has kept up his profile or that the Greens now command the support they did then. They have a good organisation and some support. I doubt he will make it back.

Ciarán Cuffe​

Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance​

Green Party

A primary school teacher, also running in the Local Elections on the same day. Peadar Tobin has built Aontú from nothing to what may well become a permanent fixture in Irish politics. Too Catholic and conservative for my liking but a decent and worthwhile addition to the political scene. Aisling has little public record, but you have to start somewhere and Aontú is in it for the long haul. Aisling seems and seems a little too 'anti-woke' for me.

Aisling Considine​



Outgoing MEP, we all know Claire, she is intelligent and hardworking. Her positions on many issues, seem far from the mainstream of Irish life, yet she is an articulate proponent of unpopular causes. It will be interesting to see how she polls. If the 'disaffected' are tiring of SF (and I think they may be) perhaps Claire will benefit. The pearl clutchers never voted for her anyway.

Clare Daly​

The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL​


Veteran FG politician and barrister. She is replacing Frances Fitzgearld as the FG standard bearer. A solid record as a public representative if lacking in real achievement.

Regina Doherty​

European People’s Party​

Fine Gael

SF candidate number 2. There to get out votes for Lynn Boylan

Daithí Doolan​

The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL​

Sinn Féin

A citizen journalist, anti-immigration campaigner. No thanks. It will be interesting to see how Philip and his ilk poll. If as I suspect the 'disaffected' vote is becoming 'disaffected' from SF, will they go here. He has little mainstream media profile, but he has 23,000 twitter followers. Not for me.

Philip Dwyer​


Ireland First

Former chief commissioner of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC).

Sinead Gibney​


Social Democrats

Claims that the 'Gardaí are facilitating paedophiles' Next

Andy Heasman​


The Irish People


Even Google has never heard of him. Not the Conor Murphy SF minister in NI.

Conor Murphy​




Another little known Murphy. Ran in 2019 also.

Eamonn Murphy​



Another anti-immigration candidate. The Irish Freedom Party are possibly the moderate wing of the upsurge in right wing parties. Not obvious nutters like "The Irish People' and "Ireland First" They identify 6 issues on their website none of which is entirely objectionable. You don't have to look far however to find the racist turn.

Diarmaid O’Conorain​


Irish Freedom Party

A Labour Party big hitter. Labour unlikely to start their comeback here, there are just too many options and Labour don't have a compelling case. Decent record of public service.

Aodhán O'Riordáin​

Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats​

Labour Party

Brendan is a fascinating character. A train driver who became a freelance Trade Union organiser and one serious operator. Brendan's record of achievement, without the power of a cabinet position is truly impressive. I made an effort to look at his political beliefs some years ago, a teenage socialist. Despite being a very successful TU campaigner he doesn't seem to have organised much of a political campaign for himself.

Brendan Ogle​



Seems a decent sort, fair play for putting himself up for election. Wants to highlight Mental Health issues.

Stephen O'Rourke​

Non-Inscrits (NI)​


Ah the National Party. Their big hitters are running in Midlands NorthWest

Patrick Quinlan​


National Party

A tireless worker, with a long record of activity. The sensible wing of People Before Profit.

Bríd Smith​

The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL​

People Before Profit

A solicitor, formerly of The Workers Party, now an anti-immigration campaigner. Wow, the Stickies sure get around.

Malachy Steenson​


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My prediction Lynn Boylan, Regina Doherty, Barry Andrews, Bríd Smith. That's a loss for the Greens, and a switch on the left from Claire Daly to Bríd Smith.

Aontú may make a showing and set a marker for the future, though I am not convinced by their candidate.

There a number of anti-immigrant campaigners, they will attract support from a certain group of malcontents. As someone who thinks we need to have a serious look at our immigration policy (or lack thereof) I wouldn't touch any of these with a barge pole, many of them are nutters.

They have no hope of coming near getting elected, there are too many in that space and none has established themselves as the front runner.

Is the Irish malcontent scene shifting from left wing under SF to right wing. Nothing says 'anti-establishment' like Martin Ferris and 7 tons of ammunition, but that was a long time ago and 'angry right-winger screaming on Twitter' is todays anti-establishment figure.

To get elected you need a party organisation, you need to be known to the public personally, it helps if you have some tangible achievement, even if its only being know for campaigning, your party needs to have support.
Midlands NorthWest

Donegal, Fianna Fáil, Blaney. Thinks Farmer's interests have been ignored!

Niall Blaney​

Renew Europe Group​

Fianna Fáil

The original far right agitator. Leader of the National Party, its his gold. See James Reynolds below.

Justin Barrett​


The National Party

For a candidate going for election he has kept very quiet. “The Irish People” is a fully registered technical political party, established to bring together individuals who would normally run as Independent candidates. So now you know.

Anthony Cahill​


Irish People

Last time out (see what I did there) FG nominated Maria Walsh (also running) a good looking woman with a bit of profile and no evidence of any previous interest in politics and took a seat, so they thought why not stick with a winning strategy. I think it's demeaning to the process and to women.

Nina Carberry​

European People’s Party​

Fine Gael

If the malcontent right have a good day Peter might do well. He has the profile after his run in the Presidential election, though I don't know what he has done since then to justify a vote. He is a little more savvy than the others and just not as objectionable.

Peter Casey​



Fianna Fáil, Mayo. A solid candidate, with a knack for drawing attention to herself.

Lisa Chambers​

Renew Europe Group​

Fianna Fáil

Fianna Fáil, Offaly, Brian's brother. The drink driving thing will hardly hold him back, will it ? Thought FF should have gone into coalition with Labour in a 'modern centre-left' govt. Not a bad take really, though perhaps a bit late now.

Barry Cowen​

Renew Europe Group​

Fianna Fáil

I like Ming. He is serious about his politics, represents his people, rural, farmers. If you wonder just what an MEP does, Ming has a good video. Lots of us on here complain about how things are. Ming used to be like that. Then he went for election to the council, and he won, then he was elected MEP. maybe some of the opinionated folk on here could likewise.

Luke Ming Flanagan​

The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL​


Legalise spamspamspam. Maybe the new Ming! Though again for a candidate he seems to do no campaigning.

Stephen Garland​



A former SF minister in NI. She got an SF nomination for Westminster in Fermanagh South Tyrone when they thought it was a lost cause, Michelle rolled up her sleeves and won by 53 votes. She is currently an MP. The Gildernew family were prominent in the NI Civil Rights movement before the troubles. That they are now SF politicians shows how dominant SF are on the green side of NI. The smell of success about her, should do well.

Michelle Gildernew​

The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL​

Sinn Féin

Professor of housing or the like in Maynooth. Just joined the Soc Dems. Well known as a commentator on housing issues. Might do well.

Rory Hearne​


Social Democrats

Who are these people that no one has ever heard of, have no campaign and no discernible views, why do they run for election.

Charlotte Keenan​



More Right wing zealotry

Herman Kelly​


Irish Freedom Party

Its a sad comment on the state of The Labour Party that they cannot find a better qualified or just better known candidate for a constituency that covers half the country. I am sure Fergal is a great guy, but this is like putting a minor on the senior team. Its no good for the team and a bruising experience for the candidate.

Fergal Landy​

Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats​

Labour Party

Sitting SF Map. Matt Carter won the seat, when he stepped down Chris was his second and so filled the vacancy. Will poll second to Michelle Gildernew.

Chris MacManus​

The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL​

Sinn Féin

Looks like a nice woman, could be your sister, what is she doing with these guys.

Margaret Maguire​


Ireland First

Green Party candidate last time out and was perhaps unlucky not to win a seat. Too green for the Greens. will not do so well as before.

Saoirse McHugh​



Good man Ciaran, who unlike George Lee has retired from RTE as its Midlands correspondent before standing for election. Well known, good image should poll well, seems to be running a well organised campaign.

Ciaran Mullooly​


Independent Ireland

PBP like labour could not find a high profile candidate in this half of the country. Brian teaches Home Economics teachers and has written a number of books.

Brian O’Boyle​

The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL​

People Before Profit

Pauline id chairperson of the Eamonn Ryan Green Party. A better record in public life that the Labour and PBP candidates combined. Running a solid campaign. Should do well.

Pauline O'Reilly​

Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance​

Green Party

Another who paid his deposit, its €1,000 and seems to have lost interest.

Daniel Pacock​



The original far right agitator. Leader of the National Party, its his gold. See Justin Barrett above.

James Reynolds​


The National Party

OK I never heard of her, but she has 44 million views on TikTok, so what do I know. She lead an anti asylum housing protest in Ballinrobe, though told people to disperse on a promise that no single men whole be housed there . Formerly of SF, who it appears have 'sold their soul'. I wonder if they got a good price for it.

Michelle Smith​



I like Peadar, though too Catholic and conservative for my taste, he has built a political party from scratch and not by screaming through a microphone at those he disagrees with. 'Respectful opposition is not the enemy. Respectful opposition is a critical element of a functional democracy." which seems fair enough.

Peadar Toibín​



FGs 'good looking woman with some profile' candidate from last time out. Seems a bit past it by now. Sorry for the sexist comments, but I really think FG were letting themselves down with her and now Nina Carberry. I am open to being corrected but what political experience did she have before running for MEP.

Maria Walsh​

European People’s Party​

Fine Gael

This is not JOHN Waters

Gerry Waters​



This is JOHN Waters.
John used to be a very good columnist with the IT, really very good. I have no idea what happened to him, but now he is just another right wing nutter.

John Waters​



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Midlands NorthWest

SF and FG have two candidates each , FF have 3. This means that in my opinion Ming will head the Poll, he is well known and no one dislikes him, as far as I know Marian Harkin still supports him and that's worth a lot.

Michelle Gildernew will take a seat.

FF have three solid candidates from different parts of this huge constituency. None will head the poll on the first count. The last one standing will probably take a seat.

I cannot help thinking that neither of the FG candidates will do well, who knows maybe Nina Carberry will surprise. FG have a strong party apparatus in all parts of the constituency.

After that Pauline O Reilly for the Greens, Pear Tobín for Aontú, Ciarán Mullooly, Peter Casey, Rory Hearne for the Soc Dems ? Pick One

My prediction, Ming, Michelle Gildernew, Barry Cowan, Nina Carberry, Ciaran Mullooly. That would be a FG loss to FF and an independent taking the extra seat. Peadar Tobin for an outside bet.
The Elections are June 7 next, just under 5 weeks away. To my mind there has been relatively little coverage, of the various candidates; so I thought I would have a go myself.
We should really pay more attention to the calibre of our MEPs.

So much of our daily lives are affected by decisions at EU level.
Yes. Nominations for election closed on 30 April.

There are 74 candidates in total:

Dublin 23 candidates - 4 seats
Ireland South 23 candidates -5 seats
Midlands North West 28 candidates - 5 seats.
@cremeegg, I think you are giving Daly a bit of a free ride. Her pro-Russian stance inside and outside of the Parliament is certainly worth a mention. I presume that her de facto support of the invasion of Ukraine by her pal Putin is one of the unpopular causes that you were talking about.
Isn't Ming also getting stick from the farming community for abstaining from key votes after getting into a huff over the rejection of his suggested amendments?
I do wonder if all of the smaller parties will split the nut-job voters and allow the mainstream parties to step in. That must be a worry for Claire Daly and Mick Wallace.
Midlands NorthWest

Do you really think Michelle Gildernew will take a seat? Has she a profile?
Election posters everywhere... I prefer the setup in France where there's specific sites set aside and each candidate gets a board at it.

Hmm, I wonder if there's a site where you can put in your eircode and see what ward, constituency etc you are in for each election & list of current elected officials and candidates.
The Candidates in Ireland South are

The original right wing nutter. Not just right wing but full on nasty. Avoid

Derek Blighe​


Ireland First

Idealistic left wing ecology with a Gaelgóir touch. Lorna has taken the trouble to get elected to the Cork city council, she is obviously serious about her politics, so that's a plus. Actually I quite like her general approach, although the economic views are a little wide eyed. Politics in Ireland is not kind to serious people like this who want to develop new ideas and new approaches. Good luck to her, though I doubt she will make any impression at the polls.

Lorna Bogue​


An Rabharta Glas-Green Left (ARG-GL)