Equipment Finance - Retail / Leisure



Finding it impossible to get a bank to give Hire Purchase on financing equipment for a new business - anyone have any hints??
Wer'e looking to set up a business with a fair bit of specialist equipment - but all of which would be classed in the same category as shop fittings etc..
We've tried a few banks and the best response we got was to have the equipment backed by some form of asset (land or a house) as security - we've committed all our security to getting the business loan side of things!
golden pages or google have lots of leasing companies in Ireland.
Specialist equipment is difficult to lease. Certainly try all the leasing channels but you may end up in a term loan situation. If the total amount required is <30K you may get a personal unsecured T/L if your credit standing is good. If there is more than 1 person in the business then each could apply for a personal T/L. Difficult to get a business loan without security and PDH is generally not aceptable for this.