Energia Unable to Apply Feed in Tariff Payments to My Account


Registered User
Hi all, just wondering what my rights are here. We have an account with Energia.

We installed solar in March and were advised that we would be paid in the summer time for our feed in tariff. This then changed to October, then November, then the latest update was as follows

Currently the microgeneration money hasn’t been paid to yourself yet. The reason for this is because there is an issue with it being applied to some accounts, this is a known issue and being worked on.

This was then followed by:

we have been advised by the team dealing with this issue that you will get the export payments on your next bill which is due in the coming weeks.

Since the above email from them on the 1st December, I received a bill today which still does not include my feed in tariff payments. They are not replying to any of my emails, nor can I get in contact with them via phone.

Its really infuriating because the latest bill is quite high but would essentially be zero if they simply added my microgeneration payment to it. They've confirmed that its due to an issue on their side but still haven't resolved it after months.

Is the CRU the energy regulator? Could they help force them to resolve this?
Is the CRU the energy regulator?
Could they help force them to resolve this?
Not sure, but check here perhaps?