Eflow website not working for all of August


Registered User
I can't login / reset password

I have called and eamiled and nothing has been sent on

Anyone else had this experience.

I just want my statement for July
I tried to log in and it said that my password needed to be changed. It emailed me the temporary password and I logged in with that. It then prompted me to enter a new password and repeat it. I let Chrome generate a strong password which meets their password strength requirements but it won't accept it so I cannot proceed.

Edit: I let Chrome generate a different strong password and it accepted that and I can proceed now. Seems like their password validity check might be buggy?
Thanks I've been on the phone for 45 minutes with the same problem to update my password , just done what clubman suggested and it work perfectly. Thanks
Can't log on or reset the password, I can't pay at Payzone as the system is down for weeks now, with massive waiting times on phone calls.
A total shambles !!!!!
I deleted the old car and input the reg of the newer one recently. The site insisted I generate a new password but refused to recognise passwords generated by either Safari or Chrome. I manually input a password and it was fine.

Windows NT and Explorer running the web-server?
It's a new or updated website and the instructions to follow are a bit unclear to be honest. However I was able to update my password after about 5 minutes. I think the issue with new Passwords is the special character requirement seems quite restrictive so if you don't have a specific special character it won't accept it.
I tried to transfer a tag onto a new vehicle.The stumbling block is a drop down menu that's not populated with any options,so the process can't proceed.
37 minutes on hold to get it dealt with.