Thanks, still finding it bit hard to believe it actually happened after all this time.
We took out the mortgage in 2006 for our family home. Initially we were on a tracker, but like many others, we switched to a fixed rate for a few years, assuming we would go back to the tracker after the end of the fixed term. When we tried to switch back, we were told we couldn't and that was the end it, I remember the standard variable being presented at the time as the only option, unless we wanted to fix yet again. There were references to the documentation we signed and it was pointed out to us that couldn't switch back to the tracker, so seeing that, we didn't push any further and just accepted that it was gone.
It wasn't hugely frustrating at that exact time, it only became frustrating over the years ahead as the ECB rates dropped more and more each year, realising the loss and what a huge mistake it was, as well as feeling quite cheated that it wasn't clear that we couldn't switch back.
After seeing a lot of headlines in the papers about EBS earlier this year, I rang the Redress helpline to see if our account was one of the affected accounts. We were told it wasn't. At that stage I made a formal written complaint to EBS head office.
I'm almost certain that we were off the list of "affected accounts" all this time, it's only a recent change that seems to have taken place which is just unfolding now. It was only a few months ago when the helpline said we were not an affected account.
So that's it, eagerly awaiting the letter in the post at this point!