Easter 25 Years Later


Registered User
Today, is March 29th, Good Friday, 2024. 25 years ago in 1999, Good Friday was on 2nd April and on that date our beautiful little son and my daughter's brother Mark departed this earth from the paediatric unit in hospital.

I miss him every bit as much today as I did that night. Not a day passes that he isn't in my mind, several times, and over and over recently I see his face in those of the dying infants and children in areas of war, civil conflict, drought and famine around the world. If you supply arms or fighters, if you blockade supplies of food, medicines or clean water, if you bomb indiscriminately, or deny innocents shelter, each and everyone of you kills my son again. If you can't raise your voice or use your vote or hand over a €1 to a charity to try to bring an end to wholesale slaughter and infanticide, then maybe it's time for us all to give up.

You torture my daughter, his mother and those who love him; of much less consequence, my pain goes to 11 again. I feel the hurt, the horror, the absolute disbelief of families who have had the core of their lives and souls ripped from them. I watch it and read it and hear it on TV, newspapers, on the internet, and the radio, and I despair. I hope your God or whatever you believe in can forgive you, because I lack that level of magnanimity.
Stop visiting the fruits of hatred, greed, pride and self-aggrandisement on those least able to defend themselves. Become their defenders and saviours, not their persecutors, their murderers.

Thanks for reading, and feel free to pass these words on if you wish; attribution is not important.
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Very sorry to hear that your son died and it has obviously been a heavy burden for you and your family over the past 25 years.
