DVD - BBC world at war recommend something similar and others


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I'm currently watching a BBC production of the excellent World at War (catching up on my Irish history eduction which put things like the second world war to a footnote) and we're finding it really interesting. Anyone recommend something similar (doesn't have to be WW2) but something along those lines.

Also these long winter months, which are very depressing, my own solution is a comedy series. We've finished Mrs. Brown but are looking for something else. Anything else someone can recommend. Doesn't have to have an Irish twist. Watched a couple of episodes of 'Republic of Telly' which was very funny in parts but rude also, maybe it's the shock factor, I've had to get my OH to go backwards as sometimes I cannot believe what they say on there and this is mainstream RTE so maybe it's a generational thing. I never liked Fr. Ted either but my OH does. He loves Cheers and I don't. We both love Des Bishop and T (guy from Navan)