DunLaoghaire/Rathdown digging up perfectly good footpaths.


Registered User
I live in Blackrock. There is a team of workers digging up the footpaths where I live and putting down new footpaths.

The thing is....there is nothing wrong with the existing footpaths. No cracks, broken bits, roots of trees, etc.

I have no idea what is going on. I have contacted them and nil response.

The road has been practically shut down for a week because of this.

Yet....on nearby roads.....some of the footpaths are in far worse condition.

Anyone know what their policy on this matter is?

(Strangely, we cannot get them to clear the storm drains on the side of the road.)
The policy is Walking and Bikes are good and Cars are bad. Are the new footpaths wider?

You could contact your local Councillor and ask the question. The reality is the DLR employees make all the real decisions and give the Councillors various predefined options to pick from.
For Example, I was watching a meeting online were they are planning to reduce the capacity of the junction at The Goat. The Councillors were given the option of taking a lane of traffic out in either direction of their choice (for a bike lane), but no option to leave the road as is.
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Count Councils have a budget to spend before the end of the year - if they don't spend it, next year's budget will be reduced accordingly

It is in their interest to spend, spend, spend - whether this is economically necessary or even worthy is neither here nor there as far as County managers are concerned

Clearing drains is probably a drain on their day to day budget - no money left in that cookie jar
Repairing roads is a different budget/cookie jar and never the twain shall meet

It's similar to councils spending money on capital projects such as new grass verges, etc but then not having the maintenance budget to maintain - madness alround
ask a local councillor, or better yet several of them. The council engineer is more likely to respond to them.

I'd be surprised if they're replacing a footpath unnecessarily just "to spend budget" - there's bound to be loads of more useful things they can use up money on.
The problem is that their money comes in different cookie jars and any money left-over in one cannot be used to fill gaps in the other jars.

It's as if you had five jars at home labelled electricity, food, holidays, drinks, petrol and could not move money from one to another