Don't mention the game!


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Does anyone have a printable comment on game?

I am having a dog's life with the comments from my English "friends".
trying to outmuscle the English scrum with 4 people and 1 injured scrummaging is never going to work.

Why can't o'brien, ferris and heaslip push with the rest ?

heaslip spends his entire time in the scrum looking up - he can't scrummage like that. the other two are just watching for breakaways and don't put the full push on either.
I think there was quite a few players minding themselves for the Heineken Cup quarter finals.
Whats the difference between a tight head prop and a loose head prop? and why does it mattter?
The front row of a scrum consists of:
The hooker, whose job it is to hook the ball back on the put-in.
He is flanked by his two props: one is the tight head prop whose head is inside the scrum and the other is the loose head prop whose head is outside the scrum.

If you look at a scrum you will appreciate that each side has two props; it is impossible to have anything other than tighthead and loosehead props.